
INTRODUCTION : Physiotherapy is basically coined out from the word Physical therapy  (PT).  It is one of the healthcare professions, Physical therapy is provided by physical therapists who promote, maintain, or restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention and health promotion in the Best Diagnostics service. Physical therapists are known as physiotherapists in many countries. In addition to clinical practice, other aspects of physical therapist practice include research, education, consultation, and health administration. Physical therapy is provided as a primary care treatment or alongside, or in conjunction with, other medical services. In some jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, physical therapists have the authority to prescribe medication. Also Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness. Physiotherapists get you involved in your own recovery.

rovich.comWhile Treatment deals with the act, manner of treating someone or something. or the action or way of treating a patient in a condition medically or surgically management and care to prevent, cure, ameliorate, or slow progression of a medical condition. 

Physiotherapy treatment generally aids to fully recover injury, you may have received physiotherapy to aid in the healing process. Physiotherapy is also applied to patients with amputations, arthritis, strains (especially in the spine), or who have had any sort of medical operation. Physiotherapy helps make movement and everyday living easier for a patient through a series of treatments that are tailored to each patient’s needs. If you’re thinking of becoming a physiotherapist assistant, here are some of the most common treatments you’ll discover in your physiotherapist assistant courses, and the benefits associated with each technique.

Although rest is often prescribed during preliminary stages of recovery from broken bones or surgery, extended periods of immobility may prolong or thwart the healing process. For this reason, physiotherapists often prescribe a range of motion exercises to promote movement, encourage joint mobility and facilitate circulation. Frequently moving the affected joints and muscles will prevent muscle atrophy and related postural problems. ROM exercises are used by a range of healthcare practitioners – for example, students learn a range of motion techniques in personal support worker training to help patients with restricted mobility improve their flexibility and maintain their independence. physiotherapy treatment will be based on your diagnosis in the Best Diagnostics service. It may involve the application of special techniques or modalities to enhance your recovery. Physical therapy or physiotherapy treatment exercises can improve the ability to use parts of the body that have been affected by disease or injury. For example, arthritis is a long-term condition that causes painful and stiff joints. Physical therapy can help to keep the joints mobile (able to move) and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

best medical equipment in awkaPhysiotherapists may work in hospitals, private practices or with the social services. Working with social services, for example, they provide care in the community for elderly people. Of late, people are increasingly resorting to physical therapy as a holistic healing method to achieve a healthier life

.Types/areas of physiotherapy treatment

  • Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization
  • Electrotherapy
  • Cryotherapy and Heat Therapy
  • Kinesio Taping
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound

Types of physiotherapy

  • Orthopaedic
  • Neurological
  • Geriatric
  • Pediatric


Which Type of Physiotherapy Is Best and description of the Best Diagnostics service

 Many people, sometimes even doctors and nurses, fail to realise the importance of physiotherapy. GenPhysio provides several types of mobile physiotherapy (PT) tailored to your needs.

Our experienced team of physical therapists will determine the best physical therapy treatment to improve your loved one’s quality of life. Let’s look at the types of therapy we provide and which is best for different people.

Best Diagnostics serviceOrthopaedic

Orthopaedic physiotherapy is the most common form of physical therapy. It deals with the broadest range of issues. Sports physiotherapists use orthopaedic therapy to treat sports injuries.

Still, we recommend this type of treatment for anybody recovering from surgeries involving their muscles or bones. Orthopaedic physiotherapy can help with some of the following problems:

  • Chronic pain
  • Neck pain
  • Improve motor skills when recovering from an injury
  • Muscle strains
  • Range of motion in injured joints or muscles
  • Balance and coordination when recovering from leg, ankle and foot injuries.
  • Arthritis

Best Diagnostics service Physio treatments in this discipline include several techniques:

  1. Manual therapy: Moving joints to restore movement and reduce pain.
  2. Massage: Massage techniques that break down scar tissue in muscle and ligaments.
  3. Ultrasound: Ultrasound helps restore circulation, stimulates regeneration and reduces pain. This technique is helpful with soft tissue injuries.
  4. Interferential therapy: This therapy introduces opposing electrical currents to the affected area. It helps relieve pain, reduce swelling and encourage healing.
  5. Neuromuscular stimulation: This method stimulates weakened muscles using an electrical current. The stimulation helps strengthen weak muscles.
  6. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the insertion of thin needles into the muscles. It triggers the healing process and directs blood flow to the affected area.
  7. Taping: Taping assists with joint support and alignment, improving mobility. Using tape also has several other benefits. Taping reduces the buildup of lactic acid and helps prevent injuries or the re-injury of a weakened joint. It also improves the drainage of lymphatic channels, reducing swelling.

Best Diagnostics serviceNeurological

Neurological physiotherapy is more specialised and deals with people suffering from neurological conditions. These conditions include spinal, brain and peripheral nerve conditions or injuries. The brain and nervous system can adapt after an injury.

Neurological physiotherapy aims to rehabilitate patients and improve their quality of life. The therapist helps them with physical functions, like muscle strength, balance and range of motion. We recommend this type of physiotherapy for people with the following conditions:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke patients
  • Cerebral Palsy

Neurological PT concentrates on building the motions that a patient can make. The therapist also retrains patients to perform tasks they could always perform themselves. This also prevents further deterioration of the muscles after an accident, injury or stroke. Neurological PT aims to:

  • Rehabilitate patients with neurological injuries.
  • Prevent or slow down physical deterioration.
  • Maximise the potential and living standards of neurological patients.
  • Help children with neurological disorders to achieve developmental milestones.


Best Diagnostics serviceCardiovascular and Pulmonary

Cardiovascular therapy concentrates on the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack or heart surgery. A physiotherapist’s assessment is invaluable. Many patients also have other problems like arthritis, back pain or stroke. The therapist will also develop a mild exercise program that takes these factors into account. Exercise helps restore the quality of life of their patients.

Pulmonary exercises help clear the chest and passages of excess mucus. They also assist in clearing infections in people with emphysema. Our therapists use multiple techniques to help manage pulmonary conditions, like:

  • Clapping and shaking
  • Breathing exercises 
  • Postural drainage
  • Posture correction
  • Spinal mobility exercises


Geriatric physiotherapy concentrates on ailments often experienced by elderly patients. These can include cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It’s vital for elderly patients that the therapist designs home sessions and prevents injury. The focus of this therapy type is to restore and maintain mobility. The extra mobility gives the patient a measure of independence.

Treating older patients requires a therapist with a broad range of skills. The therapist also needs patience and empathy to deal with elderly, frustrated patients. These patients often resent their loss of independence.

A physiotherapist working with seniors needs to have extensive knowledge of neurological, orthopaedic and cardiovascular therapies. Many older people have overlapping health issues that need specially-designed exercise programs.


Pediatric physiotherapy deals with developmental concerns in children up to 15 years old. This discipline also deals with orthopaedic, chest and neurological conditions in children. It’s crucial to treat and mitigate these conditions in children to improve their overall quality of life. The effects remain with children for a more extended period than with adults.

Pediatric therapy is similar to treating elderly patients because it covers a broader range of conditions. The therapist also needs to educate the caretakers on the importance and reasons for different types of exercise. They must show the caretakers how to assist the child with some activities at home.

Importance/benefit of physiotherapy treatment in the Best Diagnostics service

The benefits of physiotherapy have been known for decades. What most people are not aware of is that this treatment comes in different forms. Geriatric, pediatric, and orthopedic physiotherapy are just a few to mention. Each addresses specific conditions and involves different treatment methods. All types of physiotherapy involve exercise. Depending on your needs, the therapist may also recommend joint mobilization, massage, traction, taping, or TENS. The end goal is to improve your health and quality of life.

  • Evaluate and train sitting and standing balance.
  • Muscle strength evaluation and quantification.
  • Physiotherapy exercises to maintain and increase joint range of motion.
  • Physical therapy exercises to increase strength,endurance and coordination for other specific muscle groups or the entire body.
  • Use various physical therapy modalities such as both superficial and deep heat and cold as well as hydrotherapy [ the use of water to carry out the treatment] techniques, electrical stimulation, traction and massage for pain relief.
  • Aid in home evaluation to make the environment barrier free and accessible.
  • Assess the patient’s wheelchair needs, including maintenance and assist with individualized wheelchair prescriptions.
  • Progressive gait training with or without ambulatory aids.
  • Exercises to reduce spasticity.

Best Diagnostics serviceFrequent ask question

When should i consult a physiotherapist

If you suffer from pain and mobility issues it is quite common for us to get by, using over the counter painkillers and ointments. Often we don’t seek the support of a Physio until we have been referred via a GP or until the pain is so bad.

Physiotherapists are trained professionals that help injured patients get back to the highest range of movements. If left untreated injuries often don’t heal as well as if you were on a treatment plan. Injuries, if left for 12 weeks can become chronic and chronic injuries are a lot harder to treat. Injuries also heal a lot quicker if you work with a physiotherapist, with the added benefit of often having less pain and more range of movement than before you had your injury.  If you feel it is only a minor injury and you are still in pain 48 hours after the injury, make an appointment with a physiotherapist. If you feel the injury is more serious make an appointment immediately. If for an extended period, you have been living with chronic pain and or limited mobility and range of movement make an appointment with a physiotherapist.  

 Why should I consult a physiotherapist in the Best Diagnostics service

Physiotherapy can be helpful for people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions, including problems affecting the: 

bones, joints and soft tissue – such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and sports injuries, brain or nervous system – such as movement problems resulting from a stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson’s disease

heart and circulation – such as rehabilitation after a heart attack lungs and breathing – such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis

Physiotherapy can improve your physical activity while helping you to prevent further injuries.

Best Diagnostics serviceWho needs a physiotherapist from the Best Diagnostics service?

Everyone, especially People who are recovering from a major injury/surgery,  because they go through the treatment sessions to relieve the pain that restricts their mobility and strength.


With escalating health care costs from the Best Diagnostics service, particularly those related to workers’ compensation, it is essential that management of patients be more efficient yet remain effective. Physical therapy is an important component in the treatment of back pain syndromes. More judicious use of physical therapy, both in terms of patient profile and in terms of timing of referral, is the goal in order to achieve the most favorable results and reduce morbidity. This study clearly indicates that physicians request physical therapy services based on certain patient characteristics. Whether the patients with those characteristics are those who benefit the most from physical therapy remains to be proven. Timing of referral for physical therapy is another factor to consider. The results show that those subjects who were referred within the first month following injury tended to return to work within a relatively short period of time. If an optimal time for physical therapy intervention could be determined, both costs and morbidity may be decreased. 

Hope this was helpful!

for more information on how to get the best treatment form the Best Diagnostics service in Nigeria click here

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