
Best Diagnostic services in Anambra

Best Diagnostic services in Anambra   Rovich Diagnostics service

What is self-medication 

Generally speaking, self-medication is defined as “the use of drugs or any medication to treat self-diagnosed disorders or symptoms of illness, or continued use of a prescribed drug for chronic disease or symptoms. Self-medication is human behavior in which an individual uses a substance or any exogenous influence to self-administer treatment for physical or psychological ailments. The most widely self-medicated substances are over-the-counter drugs and dietary supplements, which are used to treat common health issues at home.


Advantages of self-med 


  • Self-med Enables patients to control their own chronic conditions.
  • Proper self-Med can help sustain a life when there is an emergency case. 
  • The initial level of ailments can easily be treated by self-medication such as fever, headache, indigestion, mouth ulcer, nausea, cough, acne, allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Increasing the awareness of health care and medication to the residents living in far-flung areas who are mostly uneducated and ill-informed.
  • Decline the burden of expenses where human capital is inadequate.
  • Reduce a huge pressure on medical services where health care personnel or basic amenities are insufficient.
  • Self-medication empowers individuals to resist the existing chronic abnormalities by their own perception and understanding.
  • Self-med saves expenses such as doctor’s consultation, registration fees.  

Best Diagnostic services in Anambra

Disadvantages of self-med 


Excessive take of drugs without a prescription by the physician is an abuse of drugs and can lead to the untimely death of the host.


  • Some drugs are highly reactive and effective when used in an unrecommended manner, the main consideration is the over usage of the drugs which may cause hypertension, which may eventually lead to heart failure and also hepatic and renal failure.
  • Self-medication may turn out to be wrong.
  • Self-medication by the patient’s own choice may result in treatment failures while making the ailment more complicated.
  • Self-medicated patients are brought into the hospital when the ailment has reached a terrible or an incurable mode.
  • Due to inept usage of medication, the chances of drug reactions increase at a higher rate which can cause side effects. 
  • Due to self-medication, the incongruous occurrence of both underdosing and overdosing results in deadly adversarial conditions.
  • An unbearable cost of healthcare arises due to prolonged recovery.
  • Uncountable side-effects of the dosages terribly destroy and imbalances the internal hormonal structure of the human body.

Best Diagnostic services in Anambra

Causes of self medications (Best Diagnostic services in Anambra)

It’s important to note that self-medication doesn’t fix or resolve the cause of your pain or stress, it only helps cover up the symptoms. It’s not always easy to identify when you’re self-medicating. To understand if you’re self-medicating, it’s necessary to examine your attitude and motives for drinking or taking drugs as well as the impact it’s having on your life. For example, are you popping a pain pill because your back is hurting or because you’ve had a stressful day at work and you want to change how you feel? Are you having a drink to be sociable with friends or complement a meal or are you trying to improve your mood or feel less anxious? Signs of self-medicating include:


  • Taking alcohol or drugs when stressed up in response to daily activities.
  • Devoting more and more time, money, and focus to your substance or med
  • Taking drugs or any substances because you feel you need to when it is not necessary just to deal with feelings or memories that happened long in the past
  • Having difficulty reasoning and think straight while in school, at work, or in your relationships can cause physical or mental problems.
  • Worrying when you don’t have access to your substance
  • Noticing that your loved ones are beginning to worry about your habit.


Let’s briefly explain the causes and effects of self-med.


  1. You turn to alcohol or drugs when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed. Many of us have used substances to cope with occasional bad news, such as the loss of a job or the breakup of a relationship. But if you’re regularly drinking or using drugs to cope with stress, relieve boredom, improve how you feel, or steel yourself for a social engagement, for example, then there’s a strong possibility you’re self-medicating.


2. After using drugs or substances as self-med, Once the power effects have worn off, you’ll likely feel even worse. Self-medicating can impact how well you sleep, deplete your energy levels, and lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. Your mood and emotional well-being will also suffer as you get trapped in a downward spiral of worsening mood and increased substance use.


3. It takes more and more self-medicating to gain relief. Where once it took just one or two drinks to ease your anxiety or de-stress at the end of the day, now it takes three, four, or even more. Having an increased tolerance means that you need more alcohol or drugs to experience the same effects. As you continue to self-medicate, your tolerance will continue to increase as will the problems caused by your increasing substance use. You can only break the cycle by finding healthier ways to deal with your problems.


4.  Addiction,  If you have been self-medicating for a while, you may have already formed a dependence or addiction. If you experience withdrawal symptoms when you avoid self-medicating, you may be addicted. If your withdrawal symptoms go away as soon as you use them, your body has become dependent on the substances you use to self-medicate.


5. You worry when you don’t have access to drugs or alcohol. Do you worry about how you’ll cope with a social situation where alcohol won’t be available? Do you start to get anxious when your prescription runs out? Do you get restless waiting for payday so you can afford to restock the drinks cabinet or call your dealer? The more uncomfortable you get at the thought of being separated from your substance of choice, the more likely it is that you’re self-medicating.


6. You worry when you don’t have access to drugs or alcohol. Do you worry about how you’ll cope with a social situation where alcohol won’t be available? Do you start to get anxious when your prescription runs out? Do you get restless waiting for payday so you can afford to restock the drinks cabinet or call your dealer? The more uncomfortable you get at the thought of being separated from your substance of choice, the more likely it is that you’re self-medicating.


7. You worry when you don’t have access to drugs or alcohol. Do you worry about how you’ll cope with a social situation where alcohol won’t be available? Do you start to get anxious when your prescription runs out? Do you get restless waiting for payday so you can afford to restock the drinks cabinet or call your dealer? The more uncomfortable you get at the thought of being separated from your substance of choice, the more likely it is that you’re self-medicating.

Best Diagnostic services in Anambra

Dangers of self-medication (Best Diagnostic services in Anambra)

Trying to self-medicate a mental health issue can create a myriad of problems beyond the risk of becoming addicted to your substance of choice. Self-medicating can also:


Make symptoms worse:

Trying to self-medicate a mental health issue can worsen existing symptoms or even generate new symptoms.


Interact with prescription medications:

Abusing alcohol or drugs can interact with any other medications you’re taking, either negating their effectiveness or causing unpleasant side effects.


Trigger new mental health problems:

If you’re already at risk for a mental health disorder, drinking heavily or using drugs could lead to the development of new problems beyond those that prompted your self-medication in the first place. For example, opioid and alcohol use has been linked with triggering depression, and marijuana cause psychosis and mental disorder. 


Delay or prevent you from seeking help.

When you’re set on a course of self-medicating it can be hard to change direction and seek healthier advice that will give more effective methods of dealing with your problems. Once you recognize how your substance use is only adding to your problems rather than solving them, though, you can move on to tackling the issues once and for all.

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Consider some risks of self-med 


Going Undiagnosed

Suppose you struggle with organization, attention, and forgetfulness, but discover that meth or cocaine helps you focus without any other apparent side effects. You may have adult ADHD, and while self-medicating with stimulant drugs will help with your symptoms in the short term, these illegal drugs are incredibly habit-forming. Each use puts you in financial, legal, and medical jeopardy while leaving your ADHD undiagnosed and untreated. Best Diagnostic services in Anambra


Developing Alcohol Use Disorder

Basically, the use of alcohol might help you open up if you’re struggling with social anxiety, or if the stress of life has you feeling like you’re an inch away from breaking down and crying.

But overuse of alcohol can put you in danger of alcohol poisoning or other physical harm. It can also spiral into alcohol use disorder with serious negative effects on your mental and physical health, all while increasing your anxieties over time.


Overdose & Addiction

If you begin taking heroin or diverted opioids because you’re in chronic pain, even pain that you learned to just live with years ago, you risk addiction and overdose, especially when you start taking other depressant drugs or go out to drink.

And the longer you wait to deal with the source of your pain, the harder it may be for doctors or physical therapists to solve the issue when you finally seek treatment.


Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Best Diagnostic services in Anambra


Question 1

How dangerous is self-medication?


Self-med is like creating a problem on an existing problem. It is very dangerous to self-med without a proper diagnosis or prescription by a pharmacist. It kills the host and can also lead to so many disorders in the body system.


Question 2

How can I stop self-med?



If a treatment has been giving for a particular illness and the symptom persists, it is advisable to still consult your doctor. In this way, you are sicking for more advice and also avoiding self-medication.


Question 3

What should be done if an overdose of drugs has been taking?



When a drug or substance has been taking as an overdose, the first thing to do is call a doctor or rush the person to a nearby physician and explain the situation. Best Diagnostic services in Anambra



Self-medicating is a very common precursor to full addictions and the habitual use of any addictive drug has been demonstrated to greatly increase the risk of addiction to additional substances due to long-term neuronal changes. Drugs that help to re-stabilize the glutamate system such as N-acetylcysteine have been proposed for the treatment of addiction to cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol. Nicotine addiction seems to worsen mental health problems. Nicotine withdrawal depresses mood, increases anxiety and stress, and disrupts sleep. Although nicotine products temporarily relieve their nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and addiction causes stress and mood to be worse on average, due to mild withdrawal symptoms between hits. Nicotine addicts need the nicotine to temporarily feel normal.


Hope this was helpful, looking for the Best Diagnostic services in Anambra Contact Rovich Diagnostics Service

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