
Best medical technology

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The very important thing about human life is good healthy living. Indeed, technology has come to stay as it’s probably changed how you stay in touch with family and friends, purchase goods and services, and even search for information about health problems. Technology or telehealth tools are available to help you manage your health care and receive the services you need to stay healthy and strong. 

What are technology and health?

 Before we dive in too far, let’s define what health information technology actually is. In the broadest sense, Health and technology are simply known as telehealth which is referred to as HIT in the medical field. Telehealth is the use of digital analysis or detection of body deformations and information technologies for proper data taken of any health problem, such as computers scanners, x-ray machine scanners, and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health conditions. These may be technologies you use from home or that your doctor uses to improve or support health care services at hospitals. health technology deals with information and data gathering which are mostly used by medical practitioners to solve complicate health issues. Health information technology or HIT refers to a system designed to store, share, and analyze the data collected in any healthcare facility. It could be private as well as public clinics, hospitals, and doctor’s private chambers. It also collects, organizes, and manages patients’ electronic medical records. 


Technology is the sole power force of our modern world as it has simply come to stay. Interestingly, technology is always improving and expanding its importance in our lives. All manner of technology can be found around us, From our personal laptops, tablets, and phones, smart wristwatches, iPods to behind-the-scenes technology that furthers medicine, science, and education. As each new technology enters the scene, it has the potential to improve lives. But, in some cases, it also has the potential to negatively affect physical and emotional health.

Types of Best medical technology use in healthcare  

The role of technology within our daily lives is increasing rapidly. We use the internet to buy new clothes, get in touch with old friends – or make new ones. Many people use technology to support their health as well. This is called eHealth – the use of information and communication technology to support health, wellbeing, and healthcare. The goals of telehealth also called e-health or m-health (mobile health), include the following:

  • Make health care accessible to people who live in rural or isolated communities.
  • Make services more readily available or convenient for people with limited mobility, time, or transportation options.
  • Provide access to medical specialists.
  • Improve communication and coordination of care among members of a health care team and a patient.
  • Provide support for self-management of health care.

The following examples of telehealth medical technology services may be beneficial for your health care problems.

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Wearable Technology

The wearable medical device is a kind of technology device that collects data, which helps doctors and patients alike monitor and assess the health condition of the wearer.

In addition to devices alert authorities about serious medical issues, there are very popular wearables like wristbands and watches that are allowing users to take an active role in their health. 


Nanomedicine technology  

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology, that operates on the atomic, molecular, or supramolecular scale. For something of such a small size, the potential is huge: nanomedicine has applications in imaging, sensing, diagnosis, and delivery through medical devices.


Mobile Health

This technology is freeing traditional healthcare devices from all the wires and cords. By using this technology, a doctor or physician can check a patient’s health report while on the go. And for the patient, it has become much easier since he or she no longer needs to visit a medical center for a basic medical check-up. All the information can be gathered using the sensors available on their smartphones and conveniently uploaded to the hospital app. By utilizing this data, doctors can give medical advice via a video chat or a normal phone call.

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This is almost similar to portal technology and enables patients to get a lot more done in less time. For example with a self-service kiosk, a patient can effectively complete their entire registration without ever interacting with hospital staff. This technology not only makes tasks much faster and efficient, but it is also helping hospitals to save on staff costs. A self-service kiosk is a one-time investment that definitely helps save a lot of time and money in the long run.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is being used more and more in healthcare and healthcare professionals and their patients really seem to like it. Virtual reality is used in medical settings, for example, to help relieve pain in children by having them swim with dolphins during or after painful medical procedures. It’s also suitable for helping people overcome their fears since a VR environment can feel very real. An example of this is the treatment of people with a fear of flying by exposing them to a flight in a VR environment.


Advantages of the Best medical technology on health 

  • Improving patient care and experience 

Using technology for patient education and care relied primarily on written materials about disease processes, medication, medical management, and self-care instruction guidelines. Today, the Internet and mobile technology have made health information available to patients anywhere. The whole system of patient care gives health organizations a big-picture view of how they’re performing. Technology also helps to automate that measurement so organizations can continuously review their results, spot issues that need to be fixed, and uncover ways to enhance care and the patient experience.


  • Communication 

There is a device made for patients in contacting the doctors or nurses for emergency purposes, These kinds of digital devices are made for patients who are placed in the patient’s rooms or wards in hospitals. In case of emergency, the patients can click the button of these devices to informs the doctors or nurses on time to come for the patient rescue.

This is one of the main advantages of technology for patients and doctors. With this kind of device, without wasting time the doctor can reach the patients and save their lives.

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  • Real-time information exchange

From clinicians to patients to payers, many different groups need to be able to access health records for different reasons. Traditionally, organizations have had to maintain different records for each group. But with new technology that makes it easier for digital patient records to be standardized and stored securely, more organizations are integrating their data so that authorized people can access the records they need at the time they need them.


  • Flexibility for patients and clinicians

Patients are busy and finding time for appointments can be a struggle. Telemedicine technology and patient portals provide more ways for people to communicate with health professionals. Wearable technology, like heart monitors, also gives clinicians more ways to evaluate the well-being of their patients and provides them with more options to record and evaluate symptoms as patients go about their lives.


Disadvantages of technology on health 

use of technology can also have negative repercussions on physical health causing,


  • vision problems: 

According to the Optometrist, prolonged use of computers, tablets, and cellphones can lead to digital eye strain. To follow this rule, try to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something that’s 20 feet away. 


  • Increased Cost of the Treatment for the Patients


Most patients that are treated by surgeries through technology means are very costly, like robotic surgery, and other kinds of surgeries or diagnoses with technological machines are very expensive due to the cost of maintenance and implementation.

And most of the patients belong to rural areas and they are poor. For poor patients, it’s impossible to pay for costly surgeries.

Best medical technology

  • Sleep problems

Technology in the bedroom can interfere with sleep in a number of ways.

A study demonstrated that exposure to the blue light that devices emit can suppress melatonin and interrupt your circadian clock. Both of these effects can make it harder to fall asleep and result in you being less alert in the morning.

Having electronic devices in the bedroom places temptation at your fingertips, and it can make switching off more difficult. That, in turn, can make it harder to drift off when you try to sleep.


  • Prediction of the wrong result for patient condition 

Sometimes the machinery or technological devices show the wrong result of sick patients to the doctor which accidentally could cause wrong medication and prescription of drugs. 

The technological machines are made by engineers and programmers. Sometimes the errors and bugs come into it. Then it didn’t work properly.

If it shows the wrong result and the doctor gives the wrong diagnosis to the patient then it takes the patient’s life into danger.

This is one of the most dangerous cons of medical technology for the patients

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  • Musculoskeletal problems

The position when using your smartphone creates a chance of you holding your head in an unnatural forward-leaning position. This position puts a lot of stress on your neck, shoulders, and spine. A clear study of the Nigerian Association of resident doctors found out that a musculoskeletal problem is caused as a result of self-reported addiction to smartphone use and neck problems.

An earlier study found that among teens, neck-shoulder pain and low back pain rose during the 1990s at the same time that the use of information and communication technology was increasing.

Overuse of technology can also lead to repetitive strain injuries of the fingers, thumbs, and wrists.

If you’re feeling the pain of technology, you can take the following steps to reduce these issues:

  • take frequent breaks to stretch
  • create an ergonomic workspace
  • maintain proper posture while using your devices

If pain persists, see a doctor.


  • Time-Consuming in Recovery

The technological machines which are used in the hospital for treatments and checkups of the patients are made by engineers and programmers. If there come some kind of faults and errors fixing it will require an expert that has the technical knowledge of how the machine works because the doctors or medical practitioners didn’t have the knowledge of recovering and fixing that machine. It required a specific person who has knowledge of it or the engineers who made it can fix it. Therefore this will consume a lot of time fixing and recovering the machines.

Best medical technology

Areas where technology are used in healthcare 


We have various types of technology use in health care, From massive diagnostic imaging scanners to tiny wearable sensors, technology is an integral part of modern healthcare. In addition to new treatments and medical procedures, technology has improved many healthcare business processes as well. Many people have come to enjoy the conveniences of scheduling appointments online, accessing test results and records with just a few clicks, or sending questions to their providers through email or text.

Below are few examples of the areas in which healthcare technology innovations are supporting the next wave of advances in healthcare:

Disease diagnosis and treatment

Using AI to process data, like medical images, and develop disease models can potentially help clinicians make diagnoses with more precision. For example, recent work from IBM Research has shown that AI can be used to recognize and interpret brain activity patterns in MRIs to track the progression of neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Huntington’s disease.


Best medical technology Medical imaging

Computers and AI models are particularly valuable in medical imaging because they can help turn pictures into numbers and detect trends. These innovations can help radiologists and other clinicians manage the incredibly large volume of images they have to review by identifying high-value findings and bringing anomalies to their attention.


Best medical technology  Healthcare operations

Many hospitals and healthcare systems are starting to build on improvements they’ve seen with electronic medical records and find other ways to systematically improve their operations. Cloud technology, analytics, and mobile technology are just a few of the technologies organizations are using to optimize their digital infrastructure.


Best medical technology  Clinical research

Life sciences organizations are using technology to transform how clinical trials are being performed. Smart devices, telehealth visits, and sensors are being used to support decentralized trials that make data collection more efficient and convenient for the people who participate.

Best medical technology

Frequently asked question FAQs


Question 1

Can technology damage the cells in the human body?



The lasers in technology can damage the cells of the body. It can damage some internal organs in our body, due to its high level of laser rays which is very harmful.


Question 2

What are the dangers of using technology for self-medication?



There is no danger in using technology for self-medication, the only problem is when you don’t understand the medical terminologies used in directing you when taking self-medication it will cause mistreatment or overdoes of it which will result in death. 


Question 3

Is it advisable to use the herbal medication after using English medication? 



This is done according to the doctor’s instruction, as not all illnesses can be cured with English medicine. 



In conclusion, hospitals and medical institutions now regularly use many advanced technologies to help you get better soon while also significantly reducing the associated costs. With the help of technology, you can get your diagnosis done from the comfort of your own home and only come to the center for urgent needs, reducing the time needed for diagnosis and speeding up the ability of medical personnel to respond to emergencies. Whether or not changes in our behavior due to technology use classify as a disorder, there is no denying that technology is affecting the way our minds operate. The telehealth information technology system is the future of healthcare centers. Despite that, many hospitals are skeptical about adopting this new technology because of its high cost and implementation process. 

Once you decide to implement, an institute may undergo a drastic change. The initial process may seem complicated, but we guarantee that the outcomes will be worth every effort. 

To conclude, we hope that this article will help you narrow down your search on different types of healthcare management information systems.

Best medical technology

Hope this was helpful for more information or how to get the best technology for Medicals and Health contact Us Rovich Diagnostics Services

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