
Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease


It is not possible to diagnose pelvic inflammatory disease with a single, standardized test (PID). The diagnosis, on the other hand, is arrived at after taking into account your symptoms and performing a gynecological exam.

The first things that your doctor will want to know about are your past medical conditions and sexual behavior. The subsequent step is to perform a pelvic examination, during which it is necessary to look for any indications of pain or abnormal vaginal discharge.

It is possible that you will experience some discomfort during this inspection, particularly if you do in fact have PID. Swabs are often taken from the inside of the vagina as well as the cervix while performing diagnostic procedures. These are then transported to a laboratory, where they will undergo testing to look for signs of a bacterial infection, and the bacteria that are found to be responsible for the infection will be identified.

When a patient has a positive test result for chlamydia, gonorrhea, or mycoplasma genitalium, the probability that they have PID increases significantly.

On the other hand, the majority of patients have unfavorable swab results, and this does not necessarily rule out the diagnosis in every case. Because PID can be difficult to diagnose, additional tests may also be required to check for signs of infection or inflammation or to rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. These tests may also be necessary to determine whether or not there are any other possible explanations for your symptoms. In order to determine whether or not you have PID, it is possible that you will need to undergo these tests.

The following scenarios could be part of these tests:

  • An examination of one’s blood or urine
  • A test for pregnancy
  • A vaginal ultrasonography, which is typically carried out with the assistance of a probe that is placed within the vagina, is one example of this (transvaginal ultrasound) In some cases, the diagnosis of PID may be accomplished through the utilization of laparoscopy, which is also commonly referred to as keyhole surgery. In order to perform a laparoscopy, a relatively simple type of surgical procedure, two very small incisions need to be made in the abdominal wall.
  • Your doctor will examine your internal organs using a very small camera that will be implanted inside of your body. If necessary, the doctor will also take tissue samples at this time.
  • This is something that is typically only done in more serious situations, such as when there is a possibility that appendicitis is the underlying cause of the symptoms. In other words, this is something that is typically reserved for the most extreme circumstances.
  • Obtaining admission to the medical facility
  • If any of the following conditions are met, you may be taken to the hospital as soon as possible:
  • you are pregnant (particularly if there is a possibility that you may be carrying the baby in the wrong place).
  • There is a significant amount of severity in your symptoms (such as nausea, vomiting and a high fever)
  • You are exhibiting symptoms that are consistent with having pelvic peritonitis.
  • There is a chance that an abscess will develop.
  • You are unable to take antibiotics in pill form; rather, you will need to have them given to you in a drip instead (intravenously)
  • In the event that you have appendicitis, for example, you might need to undergo emergency surgery.
You may have a blood test or an ultrasound scan. Scans can identify severe PID but will not show up mild disease. It’s possible to have a normal scan and still have PID.


We have been able to deduce in this article the various type of hearth condition that needs to be avoided and controlled. So follow the best idea for Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

If you have any questions or concerns about what is written here please comment in the discussion below or contact us Rovich Diagnostic Services for consultancy.

Hope this was helpful on the topic “Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

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