
FAQ About Eye Clinic Rovich

Frequently Asked questions About Eye Clinic

  • What’s Your Eye Problem?
  • What Happens When You Go To An Ophthalmologist?
  • How Long Does it Take To See A Doctor?
  • What Are The Different Types Of Doctors Who Treat Eyes?
  • Why Is It Important to Visit A Medical Professional About My Vision Right Away?
  • Which Is The Best Eye Clinic Can I Go For Check Up?

What’s Your Eye Problem?

If you have any problems with your vision, including double vision (diplopia) or blurred vision (nystagmus), contact an ophthalmologist. If you notice anything unusual about your eyes such as floaters or flashes of light contact your optometrist first.

What Happens When You Go To An Ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in disorders of the eye. He or she may use a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat these conditions. Depending on your condition, your ophthalmologist could perform tests to determine if you have a disease, injury, infection, or other problem. These tests might include reviewing your medical history, performing physical exams and screenings, taking blood samples, examining your eyes, or ordering specialized testing.

How Long Does it Take To See A Doctor?

You don’t necessarily need to wait months before seeing an ophthalmologist; however, some people wait much longer than others. Most insurance companies require referrals from your family doctor before authorizing treatment. Ask your ophthalmologist how long he or she normally waits before treating patients, and ask about the average wait time for appointments.

What Are The Different Types Of Doctors Who Treat Eyes?

There are three types of doctors who treat eyes:

Ophthalmologists – Specialize in treating eye diseases and injuries. They are licensed physicians with advanced training in medicine and surgery.

Optometrists – Specialize in diagnosing and treating eye diseases and injuries using optical instruments. They do not prescribe medications, although they can refer their patients to an ophthalmologist if necessary. Optometrists receive 2 years of postsecondary education after high school.

Oculoplastic Surgeons – Specialize in cosmetic procedures related to the eye area, such as eyelid surgery. They are surgeons with extensive training in plastic surgery who specialize in reconstructive surgery of the face and scalp. Oculoplastic surgeons earn an M.D., D.O., or D.C. degree after completing 4 years of undergraduate study.

Why Is It Important to Visit A Medical Professional About My Vision Right Away?

When you visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist for the first time, you’ll likely be asked about your symptoms and performed a series of simple tests called examinations. These examinations help the doctor evaluate your eyes and make sure everything’s working properly. If you experience any changes or problems while being examined, your doctor can order further tests to determine the cause. Be sure to tell your doctor if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, or other eye conditions. Certain conditions can be treated only if they’re caught early.

Which Is The Best Eye Clinic Can I Go For Check Up?

Rovich Diagnostic Services is a top diagnostic centre that provides world class medical investigations. Our eye clinic was established to respond to the need for quality and cost effective eye related issues which support and increase positive health care outcomes in Nigeria.

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