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Navigating Your Health: How to Decide When to Seek Medical Testing


Managing your health can be challenging, particularly when determining whether to get tested medically. Medical testing can provide important information about your health, but it can be difficult to know whether to have testing done. We’ll talk about when to get medical testing done in this post, as well as why Rovich Diagnostics Service is the ideal option for your testing requirements.

Comprehending Medical Testing

Medical testing entails the use of diagnostic tools, monitoring techniques, and assessment tools to evaluate your health. Your symptoms and medical history will determine which tests are best for you, from straightforward blood tests to more involved imaging examinations.

Indications You Might Require Medical Testing

There are various indicators that may point to the necessity of medical testing, such as:

Persistent Symptoms: If you have persistent symptoms such as discomfort, fatigue, or unexplained weight loss, it may indicate that additional testing is required to establish the underlying reason.

Family History: A family history of certain diseases or conditions, such as cancer or heart disease, may raise your risk and necessitate regular screening tests.

Age and Gender: Specific tests are recommended based on your age and gender. For example, women over the age of 40 should get frequent mammograms to screen for breast cancer.

Risk Factors: If you have particular risk factors for certain diseases, such as smoking or obesity, your doctor may suggest testing to determine your risk.


How to Determine When to Seek Medical Testing

When determining whether to undergo medical testing, consider the following factors:

Symptoms: Pay attention to any new or unusual symptoms you might be experiencing. If these symptoms persist or worsen, visit your doctor.

Family History: Take note of your family’s health history and share any pertinent information with your doctor.

Risk Factors: Be aware of any risk factors you may have for specific diseases and discuss them with your doctor to determine whether testing is required.

Regular Checkups: Attend regular check-ups with your healthcare practitioner to talk about your health and any concerns you may have.

Why use Rovich Diagnostics Service for medical testing?

Rovich Diagnostics Service is the ideal solution for your testing needs for several reasons:

Comprehensive Testing Options: Rovich Diagnostics Service provides a variety of tests and screenings to fit your health needs, including blood tests, imaging investigations, and genetic testing.

Accurate and Reliable findings: Rovich Diagnostics Service is well-known for giving accurate and consistent test findings, guaranteeing that you receive the most accurate diagnosis possible.

Experienced Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare professionals at Rovich Diagnostics Service have extensive expertise and training in conducting medical tests, ensuring that you receive the finest possible care.

Convenient sites: Rovich Diagnostics Service provides patients with convenient access to testing services through its many sites across the country.



Deciding when to have medical tests is a vital aspect of staying healthy. By paying attention to your symptoms, family history, and risk factors, you can make an informed decision about when to get tested. Rovich Diagnostics Service is the finest choice for your testing needs, as it provides comprehensive testing options, accurate results, skilled healthcare professionals, and convenient locations. Take control of your health today by scheduling a test with Rovich Diagnostics Service.

Hope this How to Decide When to Seek Medical Testing was helpful!


Understanding the Benefits of Preventive Health Screenings


Preventive health exams are critical for preserving good health and identifying potential health problems early. These screens can help identify illness risk factors, allowing for early detection and treatment. In this post, we will look at the benefits of preventative health screenings and why Rovich Diagnostics Service is the ideal choice for them.

What Are Preventative Health Screenings?

Preventive health screenings are tests or exams used to identify potential health issues before symptoms develop. These screens can help uncover risk factors for diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, allowing for early detection and treatment.

Benefits of Preventive Health Screening

Preventive health screenings have various benefits, including:

Preventive screenings can aid in the early detection of diseases, when they are more curable. Early detection can result in improved health outcomes and a greater likelihood of recovery.

Screenings can help uncover risk factors for diseases, allowing people to make lifestyle changes or seek treatment to lower their risk.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that you are in good health can alleviate anxiety about prospective health problems.

Cost-Effectiveness: Preventive screenings can save money in the long term by reducing the need for expensive treatments for severe diseases.

Recommended Preventive Health Screenings

The recommended preventative health screenings differ according on age, gender, and illness history.

Blood pressure screening: This test, which is advised for adults over the age of 18, helps identify excessive blood pressure, which is linked to heart disease and stroke risk.

Adults over 20 are advised to get screened for excessive cholesterol, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

colon Cancer Screening: The third most frequent cancer in the US, colon cancer is detected using this test, which is advised for those over 50.

Mammography: This test, which is advised for women over 40, aids in the early detection of breast cancer.

Prostate Cancer Screening: The second most prevalent cancer in males, prostate cancer is detectable with this test, which is advised for men over 50.

Why Select Rovich Diagnostics Service for Health Screenings to Prevent Disease?

The greatest option for preventive health checks is Rovich Diagnostics Service for a number of reasons:

Extensive Screening Options: Rovich Diagnostics Service provides an extensive array of screening options for a variety of diseases and ailments as part of its preventative health screening program.

Accurate and Reliable findings: Rovich Diagnostics Service is renowned for offering test findings that are both accurate and trustworthy, guaranteeing that you will be given the most precise diagnosis.

Skilled Medical Staff: To guarantee that you receive the finest care possible, the medical staff at Rovich Diagnostics Service has extensive training and expertise in performing preventive health tests.

Convenient Locations: Rovich Diagnostics Service provides patients with easy access to preventive health tests at several locations across the nation.


In summary

Maintaining good health and identifying possible health problems early on depend on preventive health checkups. You can take proactive measures to improve your health results by being aware of the advantages of routine health screenings and selecting a reputable provider, such as Rovich Diagnostics Service. Take charge of your health by scheduling a preventive health screening right now.

Hope this “Benefits of Preventive Health Screenings” was helpful!


Choosing Medical Diagnostics Wisely: How to Advocate for Yourself When Seeking Medical Diagnostics


Seeking medical diagnostics might be a critical step toward preserving your health and well-being. However, navigating the world of medical testing and procedures can be challenging. It’s critical to advocate for yourself and make sound judgments. In this post, we will cover how to advocate for yourself when obtaining medical diagnostics and why Rovich Diagnostics Service may be the best option for your diagnostic needs.

Understanding Your Healthcare Needs

Before seeking medical diagnostics, you should first evaluate your health demands. This includes being aware of your medical history, any symptoms you are experiencing, and any risk factors you may have for specific diseases. Understanding your health needs allows you to have more meaningful conversations with your healthcare practitioner regarding the necessity for diagnostic tests.

Educating Yourself On Diagnostic Tests

It is critical to educate oneself on the various types of diagnostic tests available and their uses. This includes understanding the risks and advantages of each test, as well as any potential alternatives. By educating yourself, you may make more educated judgments regarding which tests are appropriate for you.

Asking Questions

When visiting with your healthcare professional, do not be afraid to ask questions concerning the diagnostic tests they have recommended. This involves inquiring about the test’s purpose, how it will be administered, and what the results will reveal. Asking questions can help you better grasp the purpose of the test and what to expect.

Seeking Second Opinions.

If you are unsure about the need for a diagnostic test or your healthcare provider’s advice, get a second opinion. Another healthcare practitioner may have a different perspective or make alternate recommendations that are more appropriate for your requirements. Seeking second views can make you more confident in your medical diagnostic judgments.

Considering the Costs

Before undergoing a diagnostic test, consider the associated expenditures. This includes not only the cost of the test itself, but also any additional fees for follow-up tests or treatments. It is critical to assess the expenses and potential advantages of the test to determine whether it is worthwhile for your health.

Rovich Diagnostics Service is the best choice for your diagnostic needs.

When it comes to choosing a diagnostic service, Rovich Diagnostics Service stands out for several reasons:

Accurate and Reliable findings: Rovich Diagnostics Service is well-known for giving precise test findings, guaranteeing that you receive the most accurate diagnosis possible.

Rovich Diagnostics Service uses cutting-edge facilities and equipment to provide you with the best service possible.

Experienced Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare professionals at Rovich Diagnostics Service have extensive expertise and training in conducting diagnostic tests, ensuring that you receive the best care possible.

Rovich Diagnostics Service provides a broad menu of diagnostic tests that address a wide range of health issues and concerns.

Rovich Diagnostics Service provides patients with quick access to diagnostic services through its many locations across the country.


In summary

To guarantee that you get the finest care possible, you must speak up for yourself when obtaining medical diagnostics. You may make well-informed decisions about your health by being aware of your needs, learning about diagnostic testing, asking questions, getting second views, and weighing the costs. The greatest option for your diagnostic needs is Rovich Diagnostics Service, which provides precise and dependable diagnostic testing, cutting-edge facilities, skilled medical personnel, an extensive test menu, and convenient locations.

Hope this was helpful “Choosing Medical Diagnostics Wisely”


FAQ About Eye Clinic Rovich

Frequently Asked questions About Eye Clinic

  • What’s Your Eye Problem?
  • What Happens When You Go To An Ophthalmologist?
  • How Long Does it Take To See A Doctor?
  • What Are The Different Types Of Doctors Who Treat Eyes?
  • Why Is It Important to Visit A Medical Professional About My Vision Right Away?
  • Which Is The Best Eye Clinic Can I Go For Check Up?

What’s Your Eye Problem?

If you have any problems with your vision, including double vision (diplopia) or blurred vision (nystagmus), contact an ophthalmologist. If you notice anything unusual about your eyes such as floaters or flashes of light contact your optometrist first.

What Happens When You Go To An Ophthalmologist?

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in disorders of the eye. He or she may use a variety of techniques to diagnose and treat these conditions. Depending on your condition, your ophthalmologist could perform tests to determine if you have a disease, injury, infection, or other problem. These tests might include reviewing your medical history, performing physical exams and screenings, taking blood samples, examining your eyes, or ordering specialized testing.

How Long Does it Take To See A Doctor?

You don’t necessarily need to wait months before seeing an ophthalmologist; however, some people wait much longer than others. Most insurance companies require referrals from your family doctor before authorizing treatment. Ask your ophthalmologist how long he or she normally waits before treating patients, and ask about the average wait time for appointments.

What Are The Different Types Of Doctors Who Treat Eyes?

There are three types of doctors who treat eyes:

Ophthalmologists – Specialize in treating eye diseases and injuries. They are licensed physicians with advanced training in medicine and surgery.

Optometrists – Specialize in diagnosing and treating eye diseases and injuries using optical instruments. They do not prescribe medications, although they can refer their patients to an ophthalmologist if necessary. Optometrists receive 2 years of postsecondary education after high school.

Oculoplastic Surgeons – Specialize in cosmetic procedures related to the eye area, such as eyelid surgery. They are surgeons with extensive training in plastic surgery who specialize in reconstructive surgery of the face and scalp. Oculoplastic surgeons earn an M.D., D.O., or D.C. degree after completing 4 years of undergraduate study.

Why Is It Important to Visit A Medical Professional About My Vision Right Away?

When you visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist for the first time, you’ll likely be asked about your symptoms and performed a series of simple tests called examinations. These examinations help the doctor evaluate your eyes and make sure everything’s working properly. If you experience any changes or problems while being examined, your doctor can order further tests to determine the cause. Be sure to tell your doctor if you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa, or other eye conditions. Certain conditions can be treated only if they’re caught early.

Which Is The Best Eye Clinic Can I Go For Check Up?

Rovich Diagnostic Services is a top diagnostic centre that provides world class medical investigations. Our eye clinic was established to respond to the need for quality and cost effective eye related issues which support and increase positive health care outcomes in Nigeria.

If you have any questions or concerns about what is written here please comment in the discussion below. If you want someone else’s input about this please contact us 

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Best physiotherapy in Anambra state Nigeria.

The word “therapy” is synonymous with the word “treatment” and encompasses a broad range of categories and topics, including medical therapy, physical therapy, and psychotherapy. As you can see, there are many different types of treatment available. How can you tell which one is right for you? This article will look at psychotherapy in particular, focusing on the many different types of therapy that fall under this umbrella.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra?

Yes, In simple terms, psychotherapy (also known as Talking Therapy) is described as the use of psychological techniques and methods to help improve or strengthen an individual’s mental, emotional, and social wellbeing.

Most psychotherapy treatments are done one-on-one between the individual and the psychotherapist, but depending on the issue, some types of therapy can happen in a couple, group, or family setting as well.Best physiotherapy in Anambra

Psychotherapists are typically mental health professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical social workers. They can also be professionals like a counselor who are trained in a specific field of therapy. Most therapists will not prescribe medications because only psychiatrists have the ability and authority to prescribe medication; other therapists and counselors cannot.

Therapy is highly recommended as a first-line treatment for essentially every kind of mental disorder, and it’s often used in conjunction with medication from a doctor. If you’re considering therapy for the very first time, don’t worry. Countless people have been in the same boat, and therapy has helped them to successfully manage their conditions or other challenging aspects of life.

Please consult with your doctor or primary care physician before considering any medication options.

What Are The Different Types Of Therapy?

Read on to learn about the many different types of psychotherapy.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra Counseling:

This is the most common type of therapy and is frequently used by individuals to help them get through a rough patch. It has less to do with medical problems and more to do with receiving help or support to get through common, everyday problems. It can be used to help an individual grapple with anger management issues or to help a couple looking to resolve relationship concerns. It can even help someone consider their career options. Counseling sessions are usually one hour long, and the client can decide how often they want to see their counselor, whether that’s once a month, once a week, or any other amount.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy:

Used to treat depression, stress, addiction, and anxiety, mindfulness-based therapy helps individuals accept and focus on their emotions without feeling overwhelmed by them. It encourages letting go of the past and disregarding future worries by living in the present. Similarly, stress-based therapy (MBSR) uses activities like exercise, yoga, and meditation to help individuals manage and cope with an illness. Sometimes these exercises are combined with mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) to help overcome depression.

Medical Consultation

Family Therapy:

This type of therapy is designed to help families come to terms with or overcome a problem. It’s particularly useful when the actions of an individual or a group of people are hurting the family unit. These problems could include the following:


Substance use disorder

Domestic violence



Adolescent issues

Mental health disorders or disability

Four different types of therapies are available under the branch of family therapy:

Cognitive-based Therapy (CBT):

This method helps people change their mindset and/or behavior to address and solve the problem at hand.

Systemic Family Therapy:

With this method, the feelings, ideas, and problems of the whole family are reviewed and deconstructed to figure out what’s causing a rift in the family.

Supportive Family Therapy:

This type of therapy is designed to provide a safe environment where family members are encouraged to openly and honestly discuss their feelings about a particular issue or problem they’re facing.

Psychodynamic Method:

This method looks at an individual’s subconscious mind. It focuses on getting to the root cause of the underlying issue rather than addressing surface problems. By understanding and resolving the real problem, the therapist can help an individual and their family members cope with the difficulties they’re facing.

With the assistance of a trained therapist who uses one of the methods listed above, a family dealing with a particular issue can understand the root cause of their problems, learn to communicate better, and ideally find a happy medium that benefits everyone.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra Couples Therapy:

This type of therapy is designed for couples who are going through a rough patch or trying to recover from a serious problem. These problems could include dealing with the aftermath of an affair, money troubles, or the need to understand each other better. During the process, the couple is encouraged to share and talk through their problems while going through trust exercises and activities. Sessions can be done together or individually for the Best physiotherapy in Anambra

Best physiotherapy in Anambra Group Therapy:

This type of therapy allows a group of people who are going through a similar problem to share, discuss, and relate their experiences in a group setting with the help of a therapist. It’s usually most effective in a small group of up to a dozen individuals, and the rules of confidentiality apply. One of the key benefits of group therapy is the knowledge that others are going through a similar experience and that you’re not alone. It’s enormously helpful to have a support system of people who can relate to your experiences and emotions. Plus, you can learn from what others have gone through. Best physiotherapy in Anambra

Group therapy can help with things like the following:

Substance use disorder


Medical problems

Relationship problems


Best physiotherapy in Anambra

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT):

This type of therapy is often used to help people deal with depression and anxiety, but it can be used to treat a host of other mental health issues as well. The CBT approach focuses on the present instead of delving into problems of the past. The goal is to change a patient’s negative mindset and bring back positive feelings in their life. Studies have shown that CBT is useful for people who have post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, phobias, and many other conditions.

CBT is a goal-oriented approach to counseling. It works to change patterns of thinking to improve how a person feels. However, it must be stressed that CBT does not provide a physical cure for symptoms. It simply provides people with the ability to deal with their symptoms, thereby lessening the distressing effects. In many cases, it’s a far more effective treatment than using medication, but in some cases, it’s most effective when combined with medicine to get the Best physiotherapy in Anambra.

Because it’s such a specific style of therapy, CBT is not useful for everyone, and it requires a strong commitment and willingness to cooperate with the therapist. Like most types of therapy, CBT can be done in either individual or group settings.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra Exposure Therapy:

A type of CBT, exposure therapy helps with illnesses like obsessive compulsive disorder. It allows people to face their fears and phobias by continuously exposing them to the things they fear until that fear is gone.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra Interpersonal Therapy (IPT):

IPT is usually used to treat milder forms of depression. It’s a twelve- to sixteen-week program with weekly one-hour sessions in which the therapist and individual follow a specific science-based treatment regime. The treatment tackles the three components of depression: symptom formation, personality issues, and problems functioning in society.

The purpose of IPT is to understand depression, address its components, provide the individual with coping mechanisms, reduce their symptoms, and repair their interpersonal relationships with friends, families, etc.

Behavioral Activation (BA):

This is a technique used in CBT to treat depression. Studies have shown that BA is every bit as effective as other more complicated treatments and even medication in some cases. This method works to reverse depression by monitoring the individual’s moods and encouraging them to be more engaged in positive activities they normally wouldn’t do. Then it helps them find value and happiness in those interactions. The goal is to create a strong support system around the individual, have their positive feelings outweigh the negatives, and provide them with the skills they’ll need to get through future rough patches.


While the types of therapies listed above all fall under the umbrella of best physiotherapy in Anambra, psychotherapy in itself is also a type of therapy. Instead of focusing on the present like CBT, psychotherapy delves into the past to understand the issues and difficulties a person may be facing in the present. Psychotherapy sessions are longer than CBT, lasting an hour instead of half an hour and can continue for as long as the person needs them.

Is Therapy Only For People with Mental Illnesses?

There is a common misconception that therapy is only for people who are mentally ill, and there is often a stigma attached to the idea of seeing a therapist. In fact, there’s even a myth that you must be diagnosed with a mental illness to get help from a therapist. In reality, this is absolutely false, and therapy is so much more than a treatment for mental illness.

Best physiotherapy in Anambra

As we live our everyday lives, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions. We all feel overwhelmed, stressed, sad, depressed, and confused from time to time. Going to see a therapist can help us muddle through this jumble of emotions. Sometimes it’s necessary and can even be the smart thing to do when you need to take control of your life and take care of yourself.

Everyone deserves to enjoy life to the fullest. If there are treatments and therapies available to help you do it, then it’s definitely worth seeking professional help. It’s easy to forget that pain isn’t always physical; it can also be emotional. That’s where psychotherapy comes into play. If you feel like you need to speak to someone or get help with a problem or issue, reach out to get some relief right away.

Plenty of information about therapists and counselors in your area can be found online. If you need immediate guidance or assistance, you can also go to the nearest hospital; they are staffed with therapists who can help you in urgent situations. Most companies and workplaces also have counselors available to discuss any problems you might be experiencing.

If you’re worried about privacy and concerned about sharing deeply personal things, know that therapists are bound by law to maintain confidentiality, so patients can discuss their issues and problems in a free and unrestricted manner. As mentioned previously, the same code applies in group therapy sessions.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that therapy is not a quick fix, band-aid solution to a problem. It’s a careful, methodical practice that creates a proper foundation, so the individual in need can find contentment in their life. Therefore, it can take months or even years before you see any significant changes or results, but results will come.

If you’re currently in therapy, stay committed and keep participating because it can give you the necessary tools to lead a positive, successful life.

If you’re considering therapy, find one who specializes in a type of therapy that you think will work best for you. An in-person or online therapist can guide you toward the therapy goals you and your therapist have come up with.

If finding time for therapy is an issue for you, online therapy is an option. A study has shown that online therapy can feel more personal than traditional therapy. Ninety-six percent of people using online therapy reported feeling a personal connection with their online therapists as opposed to 91 percent who saw face-to-face therapists. They were also more invested in completing homework the therapists assigned them and occasionally reviewed correspondence between them and their therapists, leading them to move forward with their lives.

Rovich Diagnostics Service is always abscessed with the providing the best best physiotherapy in Anambra for you… for more information contact us


INTRODUCTION Best medical consultation

The best medical consultation is a meeting between a patient and a physician to get health advice or treatment plan for a symptom or condition, most often at a professional health facility such as a doctor’s office, clinic or hospital. According to a survey in the United States, a physician typically sees between 50 and 100 patients per week, but it may vary with medical specialty, but differs only little by community size such as metropolitan versus rural areas. The medical consultation is a complex and multidimensional process, focused on the doctor-patient relationship but is also a pivotal piece to provide support regarding the health-disease, suffering, and uncertainty that a subject has when their physical integrity is affected -human and emotional. best Medical ConsultationThe consultation has been and is an expression of the medical act present from the Corpus Hippocraticum. Consultation in the medical professional field means technical and human deliberation and, in this sense, refers to the authority in the consultation and the expert judgment of who or who makes judgments. In the eighteenth century was represented in Spain by the expression Consultation and Board of Physicians, defined in the Pineda dictionary of 1740 as meetings held by doctors to discuss the disease of a patient, or the response of doctors or lawyers who had been asked about a case. For Castelli, consultation means what in the work of doctors is the most important action, because it serves to distinguish learned doctors from the ignorant “and highlights the complication of its realization:” In all medicine, nothing is more difficult than the activity of consultation .

Best medical consultation

The consultation can be individual or collective, can occur in rural or urban environments, in the home of the ill or specialized institutions of external consultation or hospital. In recent years, even digital and communication means (telephone and telemedicine) are used, depending on the severity of the damage, emergencies or emergencies (felt or real), or they can be granted for spontaneous situations or monitoring and control of chronic diseases. In general, the best medical consultation has a standard protocol in which the doctor explores at a subjective and objective level a need (worry, discomfort, pain, suffering, or damage) of the patient, making use of their knowledge, expertise, sensitivity, intuition, and conscience to establish a diagnosis and establish a solution plan to a problem of lack of health. This protocol may have a scholastic framework that for centuries has presided over the practice of consultation: anamnesis, physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment; which is not always followed in practice, has served as an axis to normalize, generalize and streamline the purpose of the consultation: health care-disease.
At present, the best medical consultation has changed as a result of the greater participation and interlocution of the patient, technological development and information, which condition very broad, varied and sometimes controversial discourses. The medical consultation is no longer a monologue of a privileged actor. It is a dialogue and cultural exchange, generally asymmetric, active and proactive, but also regulated and institutionally regulated and, in almost all cases, legally prosecutable. The medical consultation has a technical instrument of registration, and at the same time legal, clinical file or at least minimum data called a medical note, which acts as an opinion on the object of the consultation.

Types of Best medical consultation

Medical Consultation can be broken down into three different types: advice on diagnosis, advice on management, or arrangements for a specific procedure or test. or where a medical personal attends your home as well as telehealth consultations, which are conducted remotely via telephone or video.
Why we need medical consultation

1. To Establish a Good Relationship With Your Physician

If you never see a doctor, you can’t ever have a relationship with one. On the other hand, having a regular physician means having someone who knows the intricacies of your medical history and who will work with you to shape your healthy present and future. Many people I know have had a bad experience with hospitals or doctors and now avoid institutions of health at all costs—including their own health. But while not every doctor is going to be the right one for you, you owe it to yourself to keep looking until you find a practitioner that you like and trust.

2. To Establish Your Health Risk

Does your family have a history of diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, or another significant disease? If so, you may be at risk for these conditions, too—and there are likely things you can do to lower that risk. A doctor can help you find out and work with you to determine which screening tests you need.

3. To Keep Your Body in Check

Do you ever wonder how you went from wearing a size 6 to a size 10 in what seems like the blink of an eye, but what was really over the course of months or years? Many of my new patients who haven’t seen a doctor in years are shocked when they step on the scale and learn that they have gained 20-plus pounds since they were last weighed. And even if you still fit into your skinny jeans, there are other health markers, like heart rate and blood pressure, that should be trended over time. By monitoring basic vital signs, a routine doctor’s visit can be like a system of checks and balances for your body.

Medical Consultation

4. To Keep Your Mind in Check

Did you know that being a female is an independent risk factor for depression—and that women are more than twice as likely than men to struggle with depression over the course of their lifetime? What’s more, we aren’t always great at noticing the symptoms ourselves. But having a routine mental health screening by your physician can help identify warning signs—before they go from bad to worse.

5. To Get a Good Night’s Sleep

According to the NIH, 30-40% of Americans report having occasional symptoms of insomnia and 10-15% report chronic difficulty sleeping—with women representing the majority of those affected. While you may think that a poor night’s sleep just means you’ll need an extra cup of coffee in the morning, chronic sleep disorders can actually increase the long-term risk of hypertension, depression, and diabetes. A doctor’s visit can help identify possible underlying causes for your restless nights—and get you the help you need to actually get some ease.

6. To Make Sure Your Cervix is HealthyMedical Consultation

While I’ll be the first to admit that a trip to the gynecologist’s office isn’t my favorite way to spend an afternoon, annual pelvic exams are a critical part of any women’s preventative health care. They can help detect vaginal infections, including sexually transmitted diseases (which may not present with any symptoms), and may often include a PAP smear for cervical cancer screening. Although you may have heard about some recent changes to screening recommendations, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force still wants women between the ages of 21 to 65 to get a Papanicolaou test (a.k.a. PAP smear) at least every three years (or more frequently if you’ve ever had abnormal results).

7. Because You May Want a Baby (Eventually)

Even if you aren’t planning a pregnancy in your immediate future, you shouldn’t ignore your fertility and reproductive health. While there are many factors that contribute to fertility—from age to bad habits, such as excessive alcohol and tobacco use—there is one you may not be thinking about: your waistline. It has long been recognized that women with an abnormal body mass index (a.k.a. BMI) have higher rates of infertility. A recent study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston showed that the eggs of women with an unhealthy BMI (below 20 or above 30) are linked to abnormalities that make them impossible to fertilize, leading to a difficult time getting and staying pregnant. Achieving your ideal BMI takes time, so it’s important to start this conversation with your doctor months—or even years—before you start thinking about pregnancy.

8. To Get Peace of Mind

When we have health questions and concerns, it’s easy to turn to good ol’ WebMD for answers. And even though the Internet can be a wonderful health resource, reading about your health issues online can often lead to unnecessary worry and fear. Remember, you (and every other patient) are unique and deserve a personalized evaluation. So instead of surfing the web for a generic, or even worse, incorrect answer, talk to a doctor in person to get the full picture—and to stop losing sleep over your questions (see reason number 5!).

9. For Prevention, Prevention, Prevention

Does it seem like I am repeating myself? Good! Health protection and prevention is the key to staying healthy for the long haul. From simple blood tests and vaccines now to mammograms and colonoscopies later, your doctor can help you become the healthiest version of you. Although it may seem like a hassle now, one hour in a doctor’s office now can add years of health to your life.

10. To Establish a Good Relationship With Your Physician

I think this one is so important that it bears repeating! I truly believe that a good patient-physician relationship is one of the most unique human experiences we can have—and it is undeniably integral to our health. So, what are you waiting for? Find a doctor you like, and stick with her (or him).

Medical Consultation

Frequently ask question on Best medical consultation

What could be your related symptoms
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Or at least two of these symptoms:
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Who could go for the best medical consultation
Everyone, including the old and the young in as much as there is serious medical need to be attended to.

Conclusion of Best medical consultation

The duration of the best medical consultation is a controversial issue. It involves social, technical, organizational and personal aspects, none of them is by itself defining the temporality required. It is necessary to be aware of the need for an order to respect certain times and spaces, to maintain the time of the system and the time of the world of life in their respective privileges or limits. The organization in the schedules of the working days is not enough. It is necessary to make the assignments of consultation and correlative tasks with the times of dedication according to the objectives of each level of attention. The patient’s times, those of the doctor and those of the institutions in health, require democratization in order to humanize the processes seeking to dignify the work of the professionals and the attention of the patients.

Hope this was helpful, for more information contact Rovich Diagnostics Services


Artificial Intelligence in medicals 

artificial intelligence

The complexity of the human body system, ways of action and ability to work perfectly and efficiently can not be analyzed physically by the first-ever moving computer( The brain), despite it is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, actions, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. Together, the brain and spinal cord that extend from it make up the central nervous system (CNS). Intelligence started with the existence of humans on earth. Artificial Intelligence.

Now despite the fact that human intelligence is the first-ever moving computer invented, man’s intelligence still lacks the ability to detect problems and create solutions confronting the medical health of his existence. The idea of inanimate objects coming to life as intelligent beings have been around for a long time. The ancient Greeks had myths about robots, and Chinese and Egyptian engineers built automatons. The beginnings of modern AI can be traced to classical philosophers’ attempts to describe human thinking as a symbolic system. But the field of AI wasn’t formally founded until 1956, at a conference at Dartmouth College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, where the term “artificial intelligence” was coined.

Artificial intelligence (AI) serves so much purpose there are different types of artificial intelligence that serve different needs in society at large, but in this context, we will discuss the importance of artificial intelligence( AI ) in medicine and their distinctive differences.

Artificial Intelligence in medicals What is artificial intelligence( AI)

To make it easy and simple, Artificial intelligence is a data science technology and engineering that focuses on building intelligent machines that can learn and perform a wiled range of tasks similar to humans with the aid of computer programing systems. The AI is a simulation of human intelligence processed by machines to give an excellent result in the medical field as it is expected to. This technology is influencing consumer products and has led to significant breakthroughs in medical healthcare and physics as well as altered industries in diverse ways of manufacturing, finance, and retail. In part due to the tremendous amount of data we generate every day and the computing power available, artificial intelligence has exploded in recent years into computer systems, robots, etc. 

AI in medical healthcare

The term is used to describe the use of machine-learning algorithms and software performance as a simulation of human mental action in the analysis, presentation, and comprehension of complex medical and health problems. Artificial intelligence in medicals is Specifically designed for disease diagnosis and other infirmities associated with human health.  AI is the ability of computer algorithms to approximate provide conclusions based solely on input data.

Artificial neural networks are used as clinical decision support systems for medical diagnoses, such as in concept processing technology in EMR software.

Other tasks in medicine that can potentially be performed by artificial intelligence and are beginning to be developed include Computer-aided interpretation of medical images. Such systems help scan digital images, e.g. from computed tomography, for typical appearances and to highlight conspicuous sections, such as possible diseases. A typical application is the detection of a tumor.

  • Heart sound analysis
  • Mining medical records to provide more useful information.
  • Design treatment plans.
  • Assist in repetitive jobs including medication management.
  • Assisting blind people.
  • Provide consultations.
  • Drug creation.
  • Using avatars in place of patients for clinical training.
  • Predict the likelihood of death from surgical procedures
  • Predict HIV progression.

Artificial Intelligence in medicals Different between human intelligence vs artificial intelligence 

What differentiates AI technology from the human traditional intelligence in the medical field is the ability to gather complex and multiple data, process it and give a well-defined output to the end-user. AI can simply get it done through the machine learning process, reasoning, and self-correction process. These algorithms can recognize patterns in behavior and create their own logic in few minutes. To gain useful insights and predictions, machine learning models must be trained using extensive amounts of input data. AI algorithms behave differently from humans in two ways:

Human intelligence 

  1. Human intelligence is naturally slow to processing data.
  2. Human intelligence learn from the various incident and past experience 
  3. Human intelligence has the ability to reason.
  4. Human intelligence uses the brain’s computing power, memory, and a wide horizon of thinking capacity.
  5. Human intelligence has limited storage capacity.
  6. Human intelligence exhibit weakness when stressed out there by giving wrong information.
  7. The human brain as a center of intelligence is analogous 

Artificial Intelligence in medicals Artificial intelligence 

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) is digital. 
  2. Algorithms are literal: once a goal is set, the algorithm learns exclusively from the input data and can only understand what it has been programmed to do.
  3. Some deep learning algorithms are black boxes algorithms that can predict with extreme precision but offer little to no comprehensible explanation to the logic behind its decisions aside from the data and type of algorithm used.
  4. The artificial intelligence machine relies on data and specific instructions fed into its system.
  5. AI can accumulate multiple and complex data with a perfect result outcome.
  6. Artificial Intelligence does not understand the cause and effect of its action simply because they lack common sense. Nick Burns, an SQL Services Data Scientist, puts it quite well: “No matter how good your models are, they are only as good as your data..”

The Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. AI programming for AI focuses on three cognitive skills: learning, reasoning, and self-correction.

Learning processes. This aspect of AI programming focuses on acquiring

data and creating rules for how to turn the data into actionable information.

The rules, which are called algorithms, provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions for how to complete a specific task

Reasoning processes. This aspect of AI programming focuses on choosing the right algorithm to reach the desired outcome.

Self-correction processes. This aspect of AI programming is designed to continually fine-tune algorithms and ensure they provide the most accurate results possible.

Uses in the medical healthcare sector

Artificial Intelligence in medicals Radiology

  • AI is being studied within the radiology field to detect and diagnose diseases within patients through Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging. Through imaging in oncology, AI has been able to serve well for detecting abnormalities and monitoring change over time; two key factors in oncological health.


  • The increase of telemedicine has helped immensely in the treatment of patients effectively which has shown the rise of possible AI applications in the healthcare sector, thereby improving human life for the better. AI can also assist in caring for patients remotely by monitoring through sensors.


  • This is a machine used by dermatologists to classify skin cancer from lesion images. AI demonstrated a convolutional neural network that achieved 94% accuracy at identifying skin cells from microscopic images.


  • The psychiatry sector in medicals also makes use of the AI applications which are still in a phase of proof-of-concept, to show Areas where the evidence is widening quickly, and able to detect conversational agents that imitate human behavior which has been set to study for anxiety and depression through the chatbots.


Artificial Intelligence in medicals Electronic health records

  • Electronic health records (EHR) are crucial to the digitalization and information spread of the healthcare industry. Now that around 80% of medical practices use EHR, the next step is to use artificial intelligence to interpret the records and provide new information to physicians.


Importance of artificial intelligence in medical

AI is important because it can give medical practitioners insights before carrying out their operations that they may not have been aware of previously and because, in some cases, AI can perform tasks better than humans. Particularly when it comes to repetitive, detail-oriented tasks like analyzing complicated health problems to ensure relevant and accurate results the AI is the best alternative required for such tasks to avoid mistakes and loss of life. Let’s show you the importance of AI in the medical healthcare sector

  • AI tools often complete jobs quickly and with relatively few errors or no errors.
  • This has helped fuel an explosion of efficiency and opened the door to entirely new business opportunities for some larger enterprises.


  • It would have been hard to imagine using computer software to connect riders of taxis for an emergency to rush a patient to the hospital, but today Uber has become one of the largest companies in the world by using AI.


  • Artificial intelligence in the medical healthcare system has proven useful in predicting and detecting cancers as related to human problems.


  • It utilizes sophisticated machine learning algorithms to predict when people are potentially sick which helps proactively get doctors to know what exactly to treat.


  • As another example, Google has become one of the largest players for a range of online services by using machine learning to understand how people use their services and then improving them.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)


1.Can AI save a life?


Artificial Intelligence in medicals Artificial intelligence does not save a life but rather helps to identify the source of the problem in the body system of a patient.


2.How many types of AI do we have?


We have 3 types namely 

Narrow or weak AI, general or strong AI, and artificial superintelligence. We have currently only achieved narrow AI.

  1. Where can I buy AI for medical use?


Excellent performance for your medical or industrial artificial intelligence in Nigeria is provided to you by rovich diagnostics services  we provide you all medical and industrial artificial intelligence suitable for all work that requires the assistance of AI. 

  1. What is the side effect of AI on the human system?


AI as a technology has a few side effects when used on regular basis. This is as a result of its high level of radiation which is unhealthy to the human body system.

Are you looking for where to buy a good industrial medical AI and all industrial types of equipment? You can simply call or email us at Artificial Intelligence in medicals 

It might be easier to state what part of our modern society artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t touched to show how important it is to our daily lives, business operations, and society. Intelligence machines are influencing nearly every facet of our lives to help improve efficiencies and augment our human capabilities. AI is so intertwined in all that we do; it’s hard to imagine living life without it.

Hope this was helpful, for more information on how and where you can order for all kinds of Artificial Intelligence in medicals product click here




INTRODUCTION : Physiotherapy is basically coined out from the word Physical therapy  (PT).  It is one of the healthcare professions, Physical therapy is provided by physical therapists who promote, maintain, or restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention and health promotion in the Best Diagnostics service. Physical therapists are known as physiotherapists in many countries. In addition to clinical practice, other aspects of physical therapist practice include research, education, consultation, and health administration. Physical therapy is provided as a primary care treatment or alongside, or in conjunction with, other medical services. In some jurisdictions, such as the United Kingdom, physical therapists have the authority to prescribe medication. Also Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness. Physiotherapists get you involved in your own recovery.

rovich.comWhile Treatment deals with the act, manner of treating someone or something. or the action or way of treating a patient in a condition medically or surgically management and care to prevent, cure, ameliorate, or slow progression of a medical condition. 

Physiotherapy treatment generally aids to fully recover injury, you may have received physiotherapy to aid in the healing process. Physiotherapy is also applied to patients with amputations, arthritis, strains (especially in the spine), or who have had any sort of medical operation. Physiotherapy helps make movement and everyday living easier for a patient through a series of treatments that are tailored to each patient’s needs. If you’re thinking of becoming a physiotherapist assistant, here are some of the most common treatments you’ll discover in your physiotherapist assistant courses, and the benefits associated with each technique.

Although rest is often prescribed during preliminary stages of recovery from broken bones or surgery, extended periods of immobility may prolong or thwart the healing process. For this reason, physiotherapists often prescribe a range of motion exercises to promote movement, encourage joint mobility and facilitate circulation. Frequently moving the affected joints and muscles will prevent muscle atrophy and related postural problems. ROM exercises are used by a range of healthcare practitioners – for example, students learn a range of motion techniques in personal support worker training to help patients with restricted mobility improve their flexibility and maintain their independence. physiotherapy treatment will be based on your diagnosis in the Best Diagnostics service. It may involve the application of special techniques or modalities to enhance your recovery. Physical therapy or physiotherapy treatment exercises can improve the ability to use parts of the body that have been affected by disease or injury. For example, arthritis is a long-term condition that causes painful and stiff joints. Physical therapy can help to keep the joints mobile (able to move) and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

best medical equipment in awkaPhysiotherapists may work in hospitals, private practices or with the social services. Working with social services, for example, they provide care in the community for elderly people. Of late, people are increasingly resorting to physical therapy as a holistic healing method to achieve a healthier life

.Types/areas of physiotherapy treatment

  • Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization
  • Electrotherapy
  • Cryotherapy and Heat Therapy
  • Kinesio Taping
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound

Types of physiotherapy

  • Orthopaedic
  • Neurological
  • Geriatric
  • Pediatric


Which Type of Physiotherapy Is Best and description of the Best Diagnostics service

 Many people, sometimes even doctors and nurses, fail to realise the importance of physiotherapy. GenPhysio provides several types of mobile physiotherapy (PT) tailored to your needs.

Our experienced team of physical therapists will determine the best physical therapy treatment to improve your loved one’s quality of life. Let’s look at the types of therapy we provide and which is best for different people.

Best Diagnostics serviceOrthopaedic

Orthopaedic physiotherapy is the most common form of physical therapy. It deals with the broadest range of issues. Sports physiotherapists use orthopaedic therapy to treat sports injuries.

Still, we recommend this type of treatment for anybody recovering from surgeries involving their muscles or bones. Orthopaedic physiotherapy can help with some of the following problems:

  • Chronic pain
  • Neck pain
  • Improve motor skills when recovering from an injury
  • Muscle strains
  • Range of motion in injured joints or muscles
  • Balance and coordination when recovering from leg, ankle and foot injuries.
  • Arthritis

Best Diagnostics service Physio treatments in this discipline include several techniques:

  1. Manual therapy: Moving joints to restore movement and reduce pain.
  2. Massage: Massage techniques that break down scar tissue in muscle and ligaments.
  3. Ultrasound: Ultrasound helps restore circulation, stimulates regeneration and reduces pain. This technique is helpful with soft tissue injuries.
  4. Interferential therapy: This therapy introduces opposing electrical currents to the affected area. It helps relieve pain, reduce swelling and encourage healing.
  5. Neuromuscular stimulation: This method stimulates weakened muscles using an electrical current. The stimulation helps strengthen weak muscles.
  6. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the insertion of thin needles into the muscles. It triggers the healing process and directs blood flow to the affected area.
  7. Taping: Taping assists with joint support and alignment, improving mobility. Using tape also has several other benefits. Taping reduces the buildup of lactic acid and helps prevent injuries or the re-injury of a weakened joint. It also improves the drainage of lymphatic channels, reducing swelling.

Best Diagnostics serviceNeurological

Neurological physiotherapy is more specialised and deals with people suffering from neurological conditions. These conditions include spinal, brain and peripheral nerve conditions or injuries. The brain and nervous system can adapt after an injury.

Neurological physiotherapy aims to rehabilitate patients and improve their quality of life. The therapist helps them with physical functions, like muscle strength, balance and range of motion. We recommend this type of physiotherapy for people with the following conditions:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke patients
  • Cerebral Palsy

Neurological PT concentrates on building the motions that a patient can make. The therapist also retrains patients to perform tasks they could always perform themselves. This also prevents further deterioration of the muscles after an accident, injury or stroke. Neurological PT aims to:

  • Rehabilitate patients with neurological injuries.
  • Prevent or slow down physical deterioration.
  • Maximise the potential and living standards of neurological patients.
  • Help children with neurological disorders to achieve developmental milestones.


Best Diagnostics serviceCardiovascular and Pulmonary

Cardiovascular therapy concentrates on the rehabilitation of patients after a heart attack or heart surgery. A physiotherapist’s assessment is invaluable. Many patients also have other problems like arthritis, back pain or stroke. The therapist will also develop a mild exercise program that takes these factors into account. Exercise helps restore the quality of life of their patients.

Pulmonary exercises help clear the chest and passages of excess mucus. They also assist in clearing infections in people with emphysema. Our therapists use multiple techniques to help manage pulmonary conditions, like:

  • Clapping and shaking
  • Breathing exercises 
  • Postural drainage
  • Posture correction
  • Spinal mobility exercises


Geriatric physiotherapy concentrates on ailments often experienced by elderly patients. These can include cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It’s vital for elderly patients that the therapist designs home sessions and prevents injury. The focus of this therapy type is to restore and maintain mobility. The extra mobility gives the patient a measure of independence.

Treating older patients requires a therapist with a broad range of skills. The therapist also needs patience and empathy to deal with elderly, frustrated patients. These patients often resent their loss of independence.

A physiotherapist working with seniors needs to have extensive knowledge of neurological, orthopaedic and cardiovascular therapies. Many older people have overlapping health issues that need specially-designed exercise programs.


Pediatric physiotherapy deals with developmental concerns in children up to 15 years old. This discipline also deals with orthopaedic, chest and neurological conditions in children. It’s crucial to treat and mitigate these conditions in children to improve their overall quality of life. The effects remain with children for a more extended period than with adults.

Pediatric therapy is similar to treating elderly patients because it covers a broader range of conditions. The therapist also needs to educate the caretakers on the importance and reasons for different types of exercise. They must show the caretakers how to assist the child with some activities at home.

Importance/benefit of physiotherapy treatment in the Best Diagnostics service

The benefits of physiotherapy have been known for decades. What most people are not aware of is that this treatment comes in different forms. Geriatric, pediatric, and orthopedic physiotherapy are just a few to mention. Each addresses specific conditions and involves different treatment methods. All types of physiotherapy involve exercise. Depending on your needs, the therapist may also recommend joint mobilization, massage, traction, taping, or TENS. The end goal is to improve your health and quality of life.

  • Evaluate and train sitting and standing balance.
  • Muscle strength evaluation and quantification.
  • Physiotherapy exercises to maintain and increase joint range of motion.
  • Physical therapy exercises to increase strength,endurance and coordination for other specific muscle groups or the entire body.
  • Use various physical therapy modalities such as both superficial and deep heat and cold as well as hydrotherapy [ the use of water to carry out the treatment] techniques, electrical stimulation, traction and massage for pain relief.
  • Aid in home evaluation to make the environment barrier free and accessible.
  • Assess the patient’s wheelchair needs, including maintenance and assist with individualized wheelchair prescriptions.
  • Progressive gait training with or without ambulatory aids.
  • Exercises to reduce spasticity.

Best Diagnostics serviceFrequent ask question

When should i consult a physiotherapist

If you suffer from pain and mobility issues it is quite common for us to get by, using over the counter painkillers and ointments. Often we don’t seek the support of a Physio until we have been referred via a GP or until the pain is so bad.

Physiotherapists are trained professionals that help injured patients get back to the highest range of movements. If left untreated injuries often don’t heal as well as if you were on a treatment plan. Injuries, if left for 12 weeks can become chronic and chronic injuries are a lot harder to treat. Injuries also heal a lot quicker if you work with a physiotherapist, with the added benefit of often having less pain and more range of movement than before you had your injury.  If you feel it is only a minor injury and you are still in pain 48 hours after the injury, make an appointment with a physiotherapist. If you feel the injury is more serious make an appointment immediately. If for an extended period, you have been living with chronic pain and or limited mobility and range of movement make an appointment with a physiotherapist.  

 Why should I consult a physiotherapist in the Best Diagnostics service

Physiotherapy can be helpful for people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions, including problems affecting the: 

bones, joints and soft tissue – such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and sports injuries, brain or nervous system – such as movement problems resulting from a stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson’s disease

heart and circulation – such as rehabilitation after a heart attack lungs and breathing – such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis

Physiotherapy can improve your physical activity while helping you to prevent further injuries.

Best Diagnostics serviceWho needs a physiotherapist from the Best Diagnostics service?

Everyone, especially People who are recovering from a major injury/surgery,  because they go through the treatment sessions to relieve the pain that restricts their mobility and strength.


With escalating health care costs from the Best Diagnostics service, particularly those related to workers’ compensation, it is essential that management of patients be more efficient yet remain effective. Physical therapy is an important component in the treatment of back pain syndromes. More judicious use of physical therapy, both in terms of patient profile and in terms of timing of referral, is the goal in order to achieve the most favorable results and reduce morbidity. This study clearly indicates that physicians request physical therapy services based on certain patient characteristics. Whether the patients with those characteristics are those who benefit the most from physical therapy remains to be proven. Timing of referral for physical therapy is another factor to consider. The results show that those subjects who were referred within the first month following injury tended to return to work within a relatively short period of time. If an optimal time for physical therapy intervention could be determined, both costs and morbidity may be decreased. 

Hope this was helpful!

for more information on how to get the best treatment form the Best Diagnostics service in Nigeria click here


No one plans to get sick or hurt, that is why Rovich Diagnostics Service Health Care in Nigeria has come to stay because most people need medical care at some point. Health coverage helps pay for these costs and protects you from very high expenses. Having health coverage can help protect you from high and unexpected costs.
Medical care has several important functions other than restoring or maintaining health. These other functions are assessment and certification of health status, prognostication, segregation of the ill to limit communication of illness, and helping to cope with the problems of illness.

Why we need good Health and Health Care

Every health care system is an engine for innovation that develops and broadly disseminates advanced, life-enhancing treatments and offers a wide set of choices for consumers of health care. The current health care system provides enormous benefits, but there are substantial opportunities for reforms that would reduce costs, increase access, enhance quality, and improve the health of Americans.

An individual’s health can be maintained or improved in many ways, including through changes in personal behavior and through the appropriate consumption of health care services.

While there is substantial health care spending in the Nigeria, the importance of health does provide a strong rationale for this level of spending. But because health care financing and delivery are often inefficient, there are opportunities to advance health and access to health care services without further growth in spending. To improve the efficiency of health care financing and delivery, the Administration has pursued policies that would increase incentives for individuals to purchase consumer-directed health insurance plans.

Important fact about Health and Health care in Nigeria

  • Health care has enhanced the health of our population; greater efficiency in the health care system, however, could yield even greater health for Nigerians without increasing health care spending.
  • Health care growth, improving quality, and expanding access to health insurance through an emphasis on private sector and market-based solutions are the order of a modern health care in Nigeria.
  • Rapid growth in health care costs and limited access to health insurance continue to present challenges to the health care system.
  • Health can be improved not only through the consumption of health care services, but also through individual behavior and lifestyle choices such as quitting smoking, eating more nutritious foods, and getting more exercise.

Health and the Demand for Health Care

The demand for health care is unlike the demand for most consumer products and services because while the desire for consumer products and services comes from direct consumption, the desire for health care is not derived directly from the consumption of the medical procedures themselves; rather, it comes from the direct value of improved health that is produced by health care. For example, demand for an Air-condition is based on the enjoyment and comfort that an Air-condition brings to a consumer, but few would choose to get a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the same reason. Rather, a consumer’s desire to have her gallbladder removed is directly related to the positive impact the operation is likely to have on her health.

Understanding how health is produced, demanded, and valued is a useful starting point for evaluating the health care system and health care policy. Demand for Health People demand health because of its role in facilitating and providing happiness. Health can be defined along two dimensions: the length of life (longevity) and the quality of life. A person derives value from the quality of life directly and indirectly: directly because one’s level of health affects the enjoyment of goods and leisure and indirectly because one’s level of health enhances productivity.

Enhanced productivity can be rewarded in the labor market through higher wages. The indirect effect of health on productivity suggests that health is an important component of human capital investment. Consistent with the basic principle of our economic system, consumers exercise choice in purchasing health care and other goods and services.

The Production of Health Health care is only one of the factors that determine health. Other factors include individual behaviors, environmental factors, social factors, education, income, and genetics. If we think of an individual as a producer of health, the key production inputs are the time and money spent on health-improving activities and health care.

Health-improving activities can include individual choices regarding exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. Health care can include hospital care, outpatient visits to medical providers, nursing home care, and medication. Because health can deteriorate from accidents, sudden disease, and the effects of aging, health care inputs are needed not only to maintain current levels of health but also possibly to restore health following an illness or injury.

Studies of trends in health-improving activities show a mixed picture on whether Nigerians are investing more in their health. A recent study finds that Nigerians are smoking less and controlling their cholesterol and blood pressure better (through a combination of health-improving activities and medical inputs). In disparity, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the Nigeria in both adults and children during the past few decades. Obesity has more than doubled since the late 1980s, from 15 percent to 34 percent among adults. Among children ages 6 to 19, the incidence of Box 4-1.

Health Effects on Job Productivity

Health Effects on Job Productivity Health can affect job productivity through absenteeism and presenteeism. Absenteeism, not being present at the place of work as a result of injury or illness, prevents an individual from contributing to output, and may also affect the ability of coworkers to be productive when tasks require collaboration.

Presenteeism is the loss of at-work productivity caused by a lack of physical or mental energy needed to complete tasks, increased workplace accidents, and the possible spread of illness to fellow employees. There is evidence that both of these factors are costly.

According to the Current Population Survey (CPS), 2.3 percent of workers will have an absence from work during a typical week due to injury or illness. Several studies estimating the extent to which presenteeism affects productivity indicate that, on average, the productivity loss caused by some of the most common conditions (such as allergies, depression, musculoskeletal pain, and respiratory disorders) is between 5 and 18 percent.

Investment in improving and managing health offers opportunities to mitigate some of these costs. An increasing number of employers are instituting at-work wellness programs that provide targeted health management. These programs range from monetary penalties for those with unhealthy lifestyles (such as smoking or uncontrolled diabetes) to subsidizing access to exercise facilities. The benefits are shared by the worker (higher earnings, better quality of life) and the employer (enhanced productivity and decreased health care expenditures).

Evidence of the success of these programs, while incomplete and variable, suggests that at-work wellness programs can improve worker health outcomes and provide a positive return to employers. One long-term study of a particularly comprehensive wellness program shows that health care expenditures fell by an average of N92,592 per employee per year (mostly due to fewer doctor visits and hospital stays), but it took several years to realize these benefits.

Hope this was helpful!

for more information on how you can manage your health or how to locate the best medical health care Contact us Rovich Diagnostics Service


What is medical laboratory?

The Best Medical Laboratory is a place where tests are carried out on clinical specimens to obtain information about the health of a patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

Laboratory Types

  • Analytical and Quality Laboratories.
  • Biosafety Laboratories.
  • Clinical and Medical Laboratories.
  • Incubator Laboratories.
  • Production Laboratories.
  • Research & Development (R&D) Laboratories.

What are the medical laboratory branches?

Medical laboratory including: Clinical chemistry; Medical Microbiology (Virology, Bacteriology, Mycology), Hematology and Blood group Science, Histopathology, Parasitology etc.

What is medical laboratory used for?

Many professions within the science and healthcare communities continue to benefit from the use of medical laboratory equipment, including clinical work in genetics, blood banking (immunohematology), microbiology, serology, body fluid analysis, urinalysis, and chemistry

Common Lab Tests

  • Complete Blood Count. This test, also known as a CBC, is the most common blood test performed
  • Prothrombin Time
  • Basic Metabolic Panel
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
  • Lipid Panel
  • Liver Panel
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
  • Hemoglobin A1C.

Which is the basic function of laboratory?

A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.

What are the two main areas of the laboratory?

Terms in this set (23) clinical laboratory, the clinical analysis area and the anatomical and surgical pathology area. All laboratory testing is associated with one of these two areas. This department performs tests that identify diseases associated with blood and the blood-forming tissues.

Are medical laboratory scientists in demand?

Medical laboratory scientists are in high demand, and government economists expect job growth for medical scientists, to be much faster than the average for all careers through 2020. The Human Genome Project and research in bioterrorism also have increased demand for medical laboratory scientists.

What are the three types of laboratories?

Company laboratories fall into three clear categories: research laboratories, development laboratories, and test laboratories. Research laboratories carry out both basic and applied research work.

What are the instrument used in the laboratory?

Laboratory Analytical Instruments

What are the four major divisions of the Medical  laboratory?

The four major sections of medical laboratory analyses are shown using a four-box pattern, that is, clinical chemistry, haematology, immunology, and microbiology.

What are the different types of Medical laboratories?

Classifying the Different Types of Medical Testing Laboratories

  • Private Facilities. Private research labs are usually operated by pharmaceutical companies.
  • Public Facilities.
  • Clinical Research Sites.
  • Anatomic Pathology.
  • Clinical Pathology.
  • Blood Testing
  • Drug Screening With Enzyme Immunoassay.
  • LC/MS Technology.


What type of test is done in a medical laboratory?

Laboratory testing can be extremely important in determining what is wrong (or not wrong) with an individual patient. Our Clinical Laboratory at Orchard Hospital is fully equipped and processes numerous patient samples for a variety of diagnostic purposes every day.

There’s many scenarios in which doctors and patients require medical testing and utilize Medical laboratory like Rovich Diagnostics services. Here’s a few examples:

In cases where you visit your primary care doctor because your throat’s been hurting and you’re not sure what’s wrong. He checks it out and suspects you have strep throat. He may conduct a throat swab and send the sample to the Medical lab like Rovich Diagnostics for testing. Your doctor will then relay the results to you when he has them back from the laboratory.

In cases where you also visit your gynecologist because you suspect you may be pregnant. Your doctor has you use an over the counter pregnancy urine test and even though it turns out positive, he requires a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. He’ll refer you to a Medical lab like Rovich Diagnostics to have the blood drawn and tested. Your doctor should receive the results back from the lab and go over the results with you.

In other cases, though, your doctor may not be equipped at all for certain tests, so he will refer you to a lab or hospital to have the testing done. For example, your doctor suspects you have meningitis because you’re experiencing a host of troublesome symptoms. Sampling of cerebrospinal fluid through lumbar puncture (spinal tap) is essential for diagnosing meningitis. This kind of test is performed in a hospital by specialists, not by your primary care doctor in his office. You’ll go to the hospital to have the procedure done, the specimen will be sent to the clinical laboratory for testing and analyzing, and the results should be sent to your doctor. Once the results are in, he may have you back to his office to go over the results.

What other kinds of patient samples are tested at a Medical laboratory?

Depending on your doctor’s recommendation and what is going on with your health, your doctor may request one or more diagnostic tests which may require one or more specific patient samples.

Some examples of patient’s specimen?

  • Blood
  • Blood culture
  • Biopsy material
  • Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Ear swabs
  • Eye swabs
  • Stool samples
  • Fungal samples from hair, nail, skin
  • Nose swab
  • Throat swabs
  • Urine
  • Vaginal swabs
  • Wound swabs


What kinds of tests are run at Rovich Best Medical Laboratory?

At Orchard Hospital, we offer a wide range of on-site lab tests to make it convenient for you to get the testing you need.

Common blood tests include:

Lipid panel (cholesterol, triglycerides)

CBC (complete blood count)

Metabolic panel (blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, liver and kidney function)

VAP cardiovascular panel and inflammatory markers

Thyroid testing (TSH, T4, T3, fT3, fT4, rt3, TAB, TPO)

We also offer nutritional testing, annual physical exams and PAP tests, and urinalysis.

Rovich Diagnostics laboratory is also able to conduct specialty testing. Some examples are listed below:

Essential Fatty Acid Analysis

Estrogen Metabolites

Fertility Testing

Food Allergy Testing

Heavy Metal Testing- urine

NTX testing for bone loss – urine analysis

Candida Antibodies (yeast overgrowth)

Comprehensive Stool Analysis for digestive analysis and bacterial / yeast overgrowth

Liver Detoxification Panel

Plasma Amino Acids

Salivary adrenal stress testing

Urine Hormone Testing

Urine Organic Acids

Vitamin and Mineral Analysis

For more information, consultancy or how to locate a very good medical diagnostics laboratory in Nigeria for the best treatment Click here

Rovich Diagnostic Services is a top diagnostic centre that provides world class medical investigations.
Our service offerings include:

Medical Laboratory Tests
Eye Care
Pain Management
Ultrasound Scan
CNA Training
Medical Electrostatic Electromedics Therapy
Medical Consultations
Medical Equipment Supplies
Health Tourism To Isreal

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Emergency number

0905 754 1111

Call us now if you are in a emergency laboratory need, we will reply swiftly and provide you with an aid

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