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Best Way knowing your Blood Pressure


medical practitioner will take your blood pressure to see if you have hypertension. 
blood pressure reading can differ by 10% or more depending on your test preparation, the position of your arm, and other variables. 
That might be sufficient to mask excessive blood pressure, put you on medication you don’t actually need, or cause your doctor to erroneously change your meds.
Guidelines from both the national and international levels provide detailed instructions for taking blood pressure. 
Never be afraid to ask doctor, nurse, or medical assistant to follow the rules if they aren’t doing it correctly.

The Blood Pressure Readings

Take two readings of your blood pressure with short interval in between. 
Have it done third time if the readings deviate by five points or more.
These guidelines can occasionally be broken. 
You should have your blood pressure checked while seated and then while standing to determine if it changes from one position to the other if you occasionally feel lightheaded after getting out of bed in the morning or when you stand after sitting.

The Doctor’s Pattern

Your doctor will hardly ever diagnose hypertension based solely on single reading because blood pressure changes during the course of the day. Instead, he or she will want to double-check the measurements at least twice, typically few weeks apart. 
If you have blood pressure level of 180/110 mm Hg or higher, this guideline does not apply to you. 
Usually, result this severe necessitates immediate medical attention.

How Important is it to Check your Blood Pressure

it’s good idea to have your blood pressure checked in both arms at least once, as one arm (often the right) may have higher number than the other. 
An analysis of over 3,400 participants published in The American Journal of Medicine in 2014 revealed an average difference in systolic blood pressure of around points from arm to arm. 
Making treatment decisions should be based on the greater number.
In general, readings between 140/90 and 159/99 should be repeated after two weeks, and those between 160/100 and 179/109 should be done after four weeks. Prehypertension patients (those with readings between 120/80 and 139/89 mm Hg) should have a follow-up exam within four to six months, and those with normal readings (less than 120/80 mm Hg) should have a follow-up exam once a year. However, if your prior blood pressure readings were significantly lower, if there are symptoms of heart, brain, kidney, or eye damage, or if you have additional cardiovascular risk factors, your doctor could recommend an earlier follow-up appointment. Every time you visit a doctor’s office, your blood pressure is typically checked as well.

Finding Your Real Average Blood Pressure

For seven days, take readings in the morning and evening to determine your “actual average” blood pressure. Put this off until at least two hours after dinner and early in the morning.

For the best outcomes while utilizing blood pressure cuff monitors, follow these steps:

Three cm above your elbow is where the blood pressure cuff should terminate. The fit is good if two fingers can fit between the cuff and your arm.

  • The arm you’ll be using for the measurement should be free of any restrictive or bulky clothes.
  • Sit calmly with your feet flat on the floor and your back resting against the back of a chair or other sturdy surface.
  • Wrap the blood pressure cuff around your upper arm at the level of your heart while supporting your arm on a stable surface.
  • Before beginning the measurement, sit quietly for at least five minutes.
  • Record the reading in your logbook after taking it. When you visit your doctor, bring the logbook


We have been able to see here some vital information on Blood Pressure and ways to check them… contact us Rovich Diagnostic Services for consultancy.

Hope this was helpful on the topic “Best Way knowing your Blood Pressure”

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