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symptoms of kidney diseases


The kidneys are two reddish-brown bean-shaped organs found in vertebrates. They are located on the left and right in the retroperitoneal space, and adult humans are about 12 centimeters (4+1⁄2 inches) in length. They receive blood from the paired renal arteries; blood exits into the paired renal veins. Each kidney is attached to a ureter, a tube that carries excreted urine to the bladder. The kidney participates in the control of the volume of various body fluids, fluid osmolality, acid–base balance, various electrolyte concentrations, and removal of toxins. Filtration occurs in the glomerulus: one-fifth of the blood volume that enters the kidneys is filtered. Examples of substances reabsorbed are solute-free water, sodium, bicarbonate, glucose, and amino acids. Examples of substances secreted are hydrogen, ammonium, potassium and uric acid. The kidneys also carry out functions independent of the nephron. For example, they convert a precursor of vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol; and synthesize the hormones erythropoietin and renin. The nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidney. Each adult human kidney contains around 1 million nephrons, while a mouse kidney contains only about 12,500 nephrons. Procedures used in the management of kidney disease include chemical and microscopic examination of the urine (urinalysis), measurement of kidney function by calculating the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using the serum creatinine; and kidney biopsy and CT scan to evaluate for abnormal anatomy. Dialysis and kidney transplantation are used to treat kidney failure; one (or both sequentially) of these are almost always used when renal function drops below 15%. Nephrectomy is frequently used to cure renal cell carcinoma.   symptoms of kidney diseases                                                                                                                          

Renal physiology is the study of kidney function. Nephrology is the medical specialty which addresses diseases of kidney function: these include chronic kidney disease, nephritic and nephritic syndromes, acute kidney injury, and pyelonephritis. Urology addresses diseases of kidney (and urinary tract) anatomy: these include cancer, renal cysts, kidney stones and ureteral stones, and urinary tract obstruction. The word “renal” is an adjective meaning “relating to the kidneys”, and its roots are French or late Latin. Whereas according to some opinions, “renal” should be replaced with “kidney” in scientific writings such as “kidney artery”, other experts have advocated preserving the use of renal as appropriate including in “renal artery

Importance of the kidney

Most people know that a major function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. These waste products and excess fluid are removed through the urine. The production of urine involves highly complex steps of excretion and reabsorption. This process is necessary to maintain a stable balance of body chemicals. The critical regulation of the body’s salt, potassium and acid content is performed by the kidneys. The kidneys also produce hormones that affect the function of other organs. For example, a hormone produced by the kidneys stimulates red blood cell production. Other hormones produced by the kidneys help regulate blood pressure and control calcium metabolism.

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The kidneys are powerful chemical factories that perform the following functions:

  •         Remove waste products from the body
  •         Remove drugs from the body
  •         Balance the body’s fluids
  •         Release hormones that regulate blood pressure
  •         Produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones
  •         Control the production of red blood cells. 

Causes of kidney diseases

The two main causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are responsible for up to two-thirds of the cases. Diabetes happens when your blood sugar is too high, causing damage to many organs in your body, including the kidneys and heart, as well as blood vessels, nerves and eyes.

symptoms of kidney diseases

Kidney diseases and associated symptoms


Signs and symptoms of chronic kidney disease develop over time if kidney damage progresses slowly. Loss of kidney function can cause a buildup of fluid or body waste or electrolyte problems. Depending on how severe it is, loss of kidney function can cause:

  •         Nausea
  •         Vomiting
  •         Loss of appetite
  •         Fatigue and weakness
  •         Sleep problems
  •         Urinating more or less
  •         Decreased mental sharpness
  •         Muscle cramps
  •         Swelling of feet and ankles
  •         Dry, itchy skin
  •         High blood pressure (hypertension) that’s difficult to control
  •         Shortness of breath, if fluid builds up in the lungs
  •         Chest pain, if fluid builds up around the lining of the heart

Signs and symptoms of kidney disease are often nonspecific. This means they can also be caused by other illnesses. Because your kidneys are able to make up for lost function, you might not develop signs and symptoms until irreversible damage has occurred.

symptoms of kidney diseases

REMEDY (symptoms of kidney diseases)

There’s no cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD), but treatment can help relieve the symptoms and stop it getting worse. Your treatment will depend on the stage of your CKD. The main treatments are: lifestyle changes – to help you stay as healthy as possible. Such as

  •         Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  •         Keep a healthy blood pressure.
  •         Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet.
  •         Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.
  •         Keep a healthy weight.
  •         Do not smoke or use tobacco.
  •         Limit alcohol


What are the common causes of kidney diseases?

High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are the most common causes of kidney diseases. High blood pressure damages the tiny blood vessels and filtering units in the kidneys, reducing the kidneys’ capacity to remove excess water and waste from the blood. People with diabetes have high levels of blood glucose, which is harmful to the blood vessels in the kidneys. According to the Mayo Clinic, one in four patients with diabetes develops kidney disease eventually 2. As for individuals with obesity, they are more vulnerable to developing high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as kidney diseases.  

What drugs are harmful to the kidneys?

All drugs pass through the kidneys. In particular, pain medications, antibiotics, prescription laxatives and contrast dye can reduce blood flow to the organs. Make sure you follow the instructions of your healthcare provider to prevent injury to the kidneys.                                          Alcohol and illegal substances can hurt the kidneys, as well.                                                            


CONCLUSION OF (symptoms of kidney diseases)

The kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood. As kidneys fail, waste builds up. Symptoms develop slowly and aren’t specific to the disease. Some people have no symptoms at all and are diagnosed by a lab test .Medication helps manage symptoms. In later stages, filtering the blood with a machine (dialysis) or a transplant may be required. Therefore some physical activities such as exercise, stopping smoking of tobacco, limit intake of alcohol, limit excess intake of sugar and obesity. etc should always be done in order to stay free from developing these deadly kidney diseases. And when symptoms persists, u are advised to go and see the specialist

 Hope this was Helpful, for more updates and information on how well to deal with such issue of kidney contact Rovich Diagnostics Services

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Causes of Fibroid


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Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or non-cancerous. Uterine fibroids are benign lumps that grow on the uterus. Symptoms may include heavy periods, cramping, painful sex, and an urge to urinate. Treatment options include hysterectomy, embolization, and hormone therapy. If large enough, they may push on the bladder causing a frequent need to urinate. They may also cause pain during sex or lower back pain. A woman can have one uterine fibroid or many occasionally, fibroids may make it difficult to become pregnant, although this is uncommon.  The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unclear. However, fibroids run in families and appear to be partly determined by hormone levels. Risk factors include obesity and eating red meat. Diagnosis can be performed by pelvic examination or medical imaging. Treatment is typically not needed if there are no symptoms. NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, may help with pain and bleeding while paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with the pain. Iron supplements may be needed in those with heavy periods. Medications of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist class may decrease the size of the fibroids but are expensive and associated with side effects. If greater symptoms are present, surgery to remove the fibroid or uterus may help. Uterine artery embolization may also help. Cancerous versions of fibroids are very rare and are known as leiomyosarcomas. They do not appear to develop from benign fibroids.

About 20% to 80% of women develop fibroids by the age of 50. In 2013, it was estimated that 171 million women were affected worldwide. They are typically found during the middle and later reproductive years. After menopause, they usually decrease in size. In the United States, uterine fibroids are a common reason for surgical removal of the uterus.

    causes of fibroid                                                      

Types of fibroids                                                                                       

The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location in or on the uterus.

Intramural fibroids                                                                                                                                                 

Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.

 Subserosal fibroids                       

Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.

 Pedunculated:  subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.

Sub mucosal:  types of tumors that develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Sub mucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types

causes of fibroid

 Causes of Fibroid                                                                                         

It’s unclear and unknown why fibroids develop, but several factors may influence their formation such as written below.


Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids.

causes of fibroid 

Family history                                                                                                                                                   

Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition, you may develop it as well. Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in your body. Fibroids may develop and grow rapidly while you’re pregnant.

Treatment of fibroid                                                                                                                                       

Your doctor will develop a treatment plan based on your age, the size of your fibroids, and your overall health. You may receive a combination of treatments. Certain home remedies and natural treatments can have a positive effect on fibroids, including acupuncture, yoga massage, applying heat for cramps (avoid heat if you experience heavy bleeding)

ALTERNATELY:  Dietary changes can help as well. Avoid meats and high-calorie foods. Instead, opt for foods high in flavonoids, green vegetables, green tea, and cold-water fish such as tuna or salmon. Managing your stress levels and losing weight if you’re overweight can also benefit women with fibroids.

Medications to regulate your hormone levels may be prescribed to shrink fibroids. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, such as leuprolide (Lupron), will cause your estrogen and progesterone levels to drop. This will eventually stop menstruation and shrink fibroid. GnRH antagonists also help to shrink fibroids. They work by stopping your body from producing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Examples include:

  • ganirelix acetate, an injectable drugs
  • cetrorelix acetate (Carotids), an injectable drug
  • Elagolix, which is present in the oral drug elagolix/estradiol/norethindrone acetate (Oriahnn). Other options that can help control bleeding and pain, but won’t shrink or eliminate fibroids, include:
  • an intrauterine device (IUD) that releases the hormone progestin
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil)

Surgery: Surgery to remove very large or multiple growths may be performed. This is known as a myomectomy. An abdominal myomectomy involves making a large incision in the abdomen to access the uterus and remove the fibroids. The surgery can also be performed laparoscopically, using a few small incisions into which surgical tools and a camera are inserted. Fibroids might grow back after surgery. If your condition worsens, or if no other treatments work, your physician may perform a hysterectomy. However, this means that you won’t be able to bear children in the future.

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Frequently ask question on Causes of Fibroid                                                                                                                 

 Who is at risk of fibroids?:                                                                                                                                

Women are at greater risk for developing fibroids if they have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Pregnancy
  • a family history
  • Age of 30 or older
  • African-American
  • a high body weight What are the symptoms of fibroids?

Your symptoms will depend on the number of tumors you have as well as their location and size. For instance, sub mucosal fibroids may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving. If your tumor is very small or you’re going through menopause, you may not have any symptoms. Fibroids may shrink during and after menopause. This is because women undergoing menopause are experiencing a drop in their levels of estrogen and progesterone, hormones that stimulate fibroid growth.

 Symptoms of Causes of Fibroid may include:

Heavy bleeding between or during your periods that includes

  • Blood cloth
  • Pain in the pelvis or lower back
  • Increased menstrual cramping
  • Increased urination
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Menstruation that lasts longer than usual
  • Pressure or fullness in your lower abdomen
  • Swelling or enlargement of the abdomen



Uterine fibroid is a common concern in women at fertile age causing multiple bleeding and pain symptoms which can have a negative impact on different aspects of women’s life. Therefore early detection and early treatment through neither surgery nor medication remain the paramount treatment for fibroid.

Hope this was helpful, for more information on Causes of Fibroid and how to deal with them contact Rovich Diagnostics services

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Best medical technology

How to reduce high blood pressure

The very important thing about human life is good healthy living. Indeed, technology has come to stay as it’s probably changed how you stay in touch with family and friends, purchase goods and services, and even search for information about health problems. Technology or telehealth tools are available to help you manage your health care and receive the services you need to stay healthy and strong. 

What are technology and health?

 Before we dive in too far, let’s define what health information technology actually is. In the broadest sense, Health and technology are simply known as telehealth which is referred to as HIT in the medical field. Telehealth is the use of digital analysis or detection of body deformations and information technologies for proper data taken of any health problem, such as computers scanners, x-ray machine scanners, and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health conditions. These may be technologies you use from home or that your doctor uses to improve or support health care services at hospitals. health technology deals with information and data gathering which are mostly used by medical practitioners to solve complicate health issues. Health information technology or HIT refers to a system designed to store, share, and analyze the data collected in any healthcare facility. It could be private as well as public clinics, hospitals, and doctor’s private chambers. It also collects, organizes, and manages patients’ electronic medical records. 


Technology is the sole power force of our modern world as it has simply come to stay. Interestingly, technology is always improving and expanding its importance in our lives. All manner of technology can be found around us, From our personal laptops, tablets, and phones, smart wristwatches, iPods to behind-the-scenes technology that furthers medicine, science, and education. As each new technology enters the scene, it has the potential to improve lives. But, in some cases, it also has the potential to negatively affect physical and emotional health.

Types of Best medical technology use in healthcare  

The role of technology within our daily lives is increasing rapidly. We use the internet to buy new clothes, get in touch with old friends – or make new ones. Many people use technology to support their health as well. This is called eHealth – the use of information and communication technology to support health, wellbeing, and healthcare. The goals of telehealth also called e-health or m-health (mobile health), include the following:

  • Make health care accessible to people who live in rural or isolated communities.
  • Make services more readily available or convenient for people with limited mobility, time, or transportation options.
  • Provide access to medical specialists.
  • Improve communication and coordination of care among members of a health care team and a patient.
  • Provide support for self-management of health care.

The following examples of telehealth medical technology services may be beneficial for your health care problems.

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Wearable Technology

The wearable medical device is a kind of technology device that collects data, which helps doctors and patients alike monitor and assess the health condition of the wearer.

In addition to devices alert authorities about serious medical issues, there are very popular wearables like wristbands and watches that are allowing users to take an active role in their health. 


Nanomedicine technology  

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology, that operates on the atomic, molecular, or supramolecular scale. For something of such a small size, the potential is huge: nanomedicine has applications in imaging, sensing, diagnosis, and delivery through medical devices.


Mobile Health

This technology is freeing traditional healthcare devices from all the wires and cords. By using this technology, a doctor or physician can check a patient’s health report while on the go. And for the patient, it has become much easier since he or she no longer needs to visit a medical center for a basic medical check-up. All the information can be gathered using the sensors available on their smartphones and conveniently uploaded to the hospital app. By utilizing this data, doctors can give medical advice via a video chat or a normal phone call.

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This is almost similar to portal technology and enables patients to get a lot more done in less time. For example with a self-service kiosk, a patient can effectively complete their entire registration without ever interacting with hospital staff. This technology not only makes tasks much faster and efficient, but it is also helping hospitals to save on staff costs. A self-service kiosk is a one-time investment that definitely helps save a lot of time and money in the long run.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is being used more and more in healthcare and healthcare professionals and their patients really seem to like it. Virtual reality is used in medical settings, for example, to help relieve pain in children by having them swim with dolphins during or after painful medical procedures. It’s also suitable for helping people overcome their fears since a VR environment can feel very real. An example of this is the treatment of people with a fear of flying by exposing them to a flight in a VR environment.


Advantages of the Best medical technology on health 

  • Improving patient care and experience 

Using technology for patient education and care relied primarily on written materials about disease processes, medication, medical management, and self-care instruction guidelines. Today, the Internet and mobile technology have made health information available to patients anywhere. The whole system of patient care gives health organizations a big-picture view of how they’re performing. Technology also helps to automate that measurement so organizations can continuously review their results, spot issues that need to be fixed, and uncover ways to enhance care and the patient experience.


  • Communication 

There is a device made for patients in contacting the doctors or nurses for emergency purposes, These kinds of digital devices are made for patients who are placed in the patient’s rooms or wards in hospitals. In case of emergency, the patients can click the button of these devices to informs the doctors or nurses on time to come for the patient rescue.

This is one of the main advantages of technology for patients and doctors. With this kind of device, without wasting time the doctor can reach the patients and save their lives.

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  • Real-time information exchange

From clinicians to patients to payers, many different groups need to be able to access health records for different reasons. Traditionally, organizations have had to maintain different records for each group. But with new technology that makes it easier for digital patient records to be standardized and stored securely, more organizations are integrating their data so that authorized people can access the records they need at the time they need them.


  • Flexibility for patients and clinicians

Patients are busy and finding time for appointments can be a struggle. Telemedicine technology and patient portals provide more ways for people to communicate with health professionals. Wearable technology, like heart monitors, also gives clinicians more ways to evaluate the well-being of their patients and provides them with more options to record and evaluate symptoms as patients go about their lives.


Disadvantages of technology on health 

use of technology can also have negative repercussions on physical health causing,


  • vision problems: 

According to the Optometrist, prolonged use of computers, tablets, and cellphones can lead to digital eye strain. To follow this rule, try to take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something that’s 20 feet away. 


  • Increased Cost of the Treatment for the Patients


Most patients that are treated by surgeries through technology means are very costly, like robotic surgery, and other kinds of surgeries or diagnoses with technological machines are very expensive due to the cost of maintenance and implementation.

And most of the patients belong to rural areas and they are poor. For poor patients, it’s impossible to pay for costly surgeries.

Best medical technology

  • Sleep problems

Technology in the bedroom can interfere with sleep in a number of ways.

A study demonstrated that exposure to the blue light that devices emit can suppress melatonin and interrupt your circadian clock. Both of these effects can make it harder to fall asleep and result in you being less alert in the morning.

Having electronic devices in the bedroom places temptation at your fingertips, and it can make switching off more difficult. That, in turn, can make it harder to drift off when you try to sleep.


  • Prediction of the wrong result for patient condition 

Sometimes the machinery or technological devices show the wrong result of sick patients to the doctor which accidentally could cause wrong medication and prescription of drugs. 

The technological machines are made by engineers and programmers. Sometimes the errors and bugs come into it. Then it didn’t work properly.

If it shows the wrong result and the doctor gives the wrong diagnosis to the patient then it takes the patient’s life into danger.

This is one of the most dangerous cons of medical technology for the patients

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  • Musculoskeletal problems

The position when using your smartphone creates a chance of you holding your head in an unnatural forward-leaning position. This position puts a lot of stress on your neck, shoulders, and spine. A clear study of the Nigerian Association of resident doctors found out that a musculoskeletal problem is caused as a result of self-reported addiction to smartphone use and neck problems.

An earlier study found that among teens, neck-shoulder pain and low back pain rose during the 1990s at the same time that the use of information and communication technology was increasing.

Overuse of technology can also lead to repetitive strain injuries of the fingers, thumbs, and wrists.

If you’re feeling the pain of technology, you can take the following steps to reduce these issues:

  • take frequent breaks to stretch
  • create an ergonomic workspace
  • maintain proper posture while using your devices

If pain persists, see a doctor.


  • Time-Consuming in Recovery

The technological machines which are used in the hospital for treatments and checkups of the patients are made by engineers and programmers. If there come some kind of faults and errors fixing it will require an expert that has the technical knowledge of how the machine works because the doctors or medical practitioners didn’t have the knowledge of recovering and fixing that machine. It required a specific person who has knowledge of it or the engineers who made it can fix it. Therefore this will consume a lot of time fixing and recovering the machines.

Best medical technology

Areas where technology are used in healthcare 


We have various types of technology use in health care, From massive diagnostic imaging scanners to tiny wearable sensors, technology is an integral part of modern healthcare. In addition to new treatments and medical procedures, technology has improved many healthcare business processes as well. Many people have come to enjoy the conveniences of scheduling appointments online, accessing test results and records with just a few clicks, or sending questions to their providers through email or text.

Below are few examples of the areas in which healthcare technology innovations are supporting the next wave of advances in healthcare:

Disease diagnosis and treatment

Using AI to process data, like medical images, and develop disease models can potentially help clinicians make diagnoses with more precision. For example, recent work from IBM Research has shown that AI can be used to recognize and interpret brain activity patterns in MRIs to track the progression of neurodegenerative illnesses, such as Huntington’s disease.


Best medical technology Medical imaging

Computers and AI models are particularly valuable in medical imaging because they can help turn pictures into numbers and detect trends. These innovations can help radiologists and other clinicians manage the incredibly large volume of images they have to review by identifying high-value findings and bringing anomalies to their attention.


Best medical technology  Healthcare operations

Many hospitals and healthcare systems are starting to build on improvements they’ve seen with electronic medical records and find other ways to systematically improve their operations. Cloud technology, analytics, and mobile technology are just a few of the technologies organizations are using to optimize their digital infrastructure.


Best medical technology  Clinical research

Life sciences organizations are using technology to transform how clinical trials are being performed. Smart devices, telehealth visits, and sensors are being used to support decentralized trials that make data collection more efficient and convenient for the people who participate.

Best medical technology

Frequently asked question FAQs


Question 1

Can technology damage the cells in the human body?



The lasers in technology can damage the cells of the body. It can damage some internal organs in our body, due to its high level of laser rays which is very harmful.


Question 2

What are the dangers of using technology for self-medication?



There is no danger in using technology for self-medication, the only problem is when you don’t understand the medical terminologies used in directing you when taking self-medication it will cause mistreatment or overdoes of it which will result in death. 


Question 3

Is it advisable to use the herbal medication after using English medication? 



This is done according to the doctor’s instruction, as not all illnesses can be cured with English medicine. 



In conclusion, hospitals and medical institutions now regularly use many advanced technologies to help you get better soon while also significantly reducing the associated costs. With the help of technology, you can get your diagnosis done from the comfort of your own home and only come to the center for urgent needs, reducing the time needed for diagnosis and speeding up the ability of medical personnel to respond to emergencies. Whether or not changes in our behavior due to technology use classify as a disorder, there is no denying that technology is affecting the way our minds operate. The telehealth information technology system is the future of healthcare centers. Despite that, many hospitals are skeptical about adopting this new technology because of its high cost and implementation process. 

Once you decide to implement, an institute may undergo a drastic change. The initial process may seem complicated, but we guarantee that the outcomes will be worth every effort. 

To conclude, we hope that this article will help you narrow down your search on different types of healthcare management information systems.

Best medical technology

Hope this was helpful for more information or how to get the best technology for Medicals and Health contact Us Rovich Diagnostics Services


Why we need sleep

Since the creation of humans, God has designed a time set aside for the body to rest and regain consciousness which we know as sleep. It might interest you to know that Scientists have gone to great lengths to fully understand sleep’s benefits. In studies of humans and other animals, they have discovered that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions. The features in this section explore these discoveries and describe specific ways in which we all benefit from sleep.

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What does sleep mean and why we need sleep?

The natural condition or state at which a being stops existing at a particular time with the eyes closed but its respiratory system is still functioning actively with the absence of not been awake and aware of things happening around your surroundings which is to be in the state of rest. It is distinguished from wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but more reactive than a coma or disorders of consciousness, with sleep displaying different, active brain patterns.

During sleep, most of the body’s systems are in an anabolic state, helping to restore the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems, these are vital processes that maintain mood, memory, and cognitive function, and play a large role in the function of the endocrine and immune systems. Sleep occurs at a period of time in which the body alternates between two distinct modes, REM sleep, and non-REM sleep. Although REM stands for “rapid eye movement”, this mode of sleep has many other aspects, including virtual paralysis of the body. A well-known feature of sleep is the dream, an experience typically recounted in narrative form, which resembles waking life while in progress, but which usually can later be distinguished as fantasy. 

Types of sleep 

Humans may suffer from various sleep disorders, including dyssomnias such as insomnia, hypersomnia, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea; parasomnias such as sleepwalking and rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder; bruxism; and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The use of artificial light has substantially altered humanity’s sleep patterns.

Sleep is divided into two broad types which are non-rapid eye movement (non-REM or NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Non-REM and REM sleep are so different that physiologists identify them as distinct behavioral states. Below are the two different types of sleep explained in brief. 

Non-REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep seems to be how the brain makes sense of the day’s experiences and activities. Your brain takes everything that happened that day and connects it to other memories where you constantly reflect on it during your sleeping time which is called a dream. At this period of transition, your brain activities become slow and body temperature and heart rate fall slowly in a deep sleep. Dreaming is vital to mental health

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, also known as paradoxical sleep, represents a smaller portion of total sleep time. It is the main occasion for dreams (or nightmares) and is associated with desynchronized and fast brain waves, eye movements, loss of muscle tone, and suspension of homeostasis.

why we need sleep

Importance of why we need sleep

Rest makes you feel better as it also plays an important role in your physical health which goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. For example, sleep is involved in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Sleep is essential in the lives of every existing being, on this note having a good sleep helps us to 

  • Archive a balance functional system of the brain cells.
  • It is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, 
  • It helps as vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. 
  • Sleeping helps us to recover from memory loss, as it is a means of refreshing the brain.
  • It is so important as it helps to balance blood pressure and circulation. 

Health benefit of sleeping 

Modern life has been so tough which has taken most of the time of humans, in as much as we strive for a better living good healthy body is required as it has to contribute to your wealth.  When it comes to their health, rest is as vital as regular exercise and eating a balanced diet. The benefit of sleep can not be compromised as it is a thing made by nature and its benefit are undoubtedly exceptional. Here are the benefits of sleep.

  • Better sleep raises your testosterone

If you don’t rest enough, your hormone production can shut down. Your body produces most of its testosterone while you are asleep, so your T levels are the highest in the morning and decline towards the night.

Testosterone is vital for both sexes. Women can also have deficient testosterone.

Testosterone improves energy levels, helps you recover after exercise, and gives you more confidence and sexual energy.

  • Lower weight gain risk

A lack of sleep may affect a person’s desire or ability to maintain a healthful lifestyle, but it may or may not be a direct contributor to weight gain. The link between weight gain and obesity and short sleep patterns is not completely clear. When you’re well-rested, you’re less hungry. Being sleep-deprived messes with the hormones in your brain leptin and ghrelin that control appetite.

With those out of balance, your resistance to the temptation of unhealthy foods goes way down. And when you’re tired, you’re less likely to want to get up and move your body. Together, it’s a recipe for putting on pounds.

The time you spend in bed goes hand-in-hand with the time you spend at the table and at the gym to help you manage your weight.

  • Helps to boost mood

You will notice that when you wake up from bed your mood changes with a bright smile, this is one thing that your brain does while you sleep it process your emotions. Your mind needs this time in order to recognize and react the right way. When you cut that short, you tend to have more negative emotional reactions and fewer positive ones.

Best place for diabetes Diagnosis

Chronic lack of sleep can also raise the chance of having a mood disorder. One large study showed that when you have insomnia, you’re five times more likely to develop depression, and your odds of anxiety or panic disorders are even greater.

  • Balanced Blood Sugar level

During the deep, slow-wave part of your sleep cycle, the amount of glucose in your blood drops. Not enough time in this deepest stage means you don’t get that break to allow a reset — like leaving the volume turned up. Your body will have a harder time responding to your cells’ needs and blood sugar levels.

Allow yourself to reach and remain in this deep sleep, and you’re less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

  • Ability to fight germs

To help you ward off illnesses, your immune system identifies harmful bacteria and viruses in your body and destroys them. Ongoing lack of sleep changes the way your immune cells work. They may not attack as quickly, and you could get sick more often.

Good nightly rest now can help you avoid that tired, worn-out feeling, as well as spending days in bed as your body tries to recover.


  • Lower risk of heart disease

One risk factor for heart disease is high blood pressure which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the world.

Trusted Source from a medical practitioner says getting adequate rest each night allows the body’s blood pressure to regulate itself, by doing this, the chances of promoting your overall heart health is up to 90% healthy living. 


  • Increases your memory, social and emotional intelligence


Researchers have found that sleep plays an important role in a process called memory consolidation. During sleep, your body may be resting, but your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings, and memories.

Deep rest is a very important time for your brain to make memories and links, and getting more quality rest will help you remember things better in the long run.

  • Stronger immune system

Sleep regulates your immune system. When you don’t get enough sleep, inflammation can result. You won’t usually notice excess inflammation, but it can have an effect on your body. Chronic inflammation damages the body and increases the risk of many health conditions, including ulcers, dementia, heart disease, and more.

  • Reduces stress 

By taking a good rest, you help your mind and body relax and recover from your day. When you deprive yourself of taking a good rest, your body releases stress hormones. Stress can cause you to react in ways that aren’t productive sometimes making rash decisions or acting out of fear.

Without a good night’s rest, you can end up feeling anxious until you finally get some much-needed rest.

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Best sleeping time 


Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day. Getting less than 6 to 7 hours of sleep for just one night can have an effect on you the next day. And chronically missing out on rest increases the risk of disease. According to the National Sleep Foundation, which updated its sleep recommendations this year, young adults (age 18-25 years) and adults (age 26-64 years) should receive 7 to 9 hours of rest but not less than 6 hours or more than 10 hours (for adults) or 11 hours (for young adults). Older adults (65 years and older) should receive 7 to 8 hours of rest but not less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours.

For children, it is recommended to have a good sleeping time from the analysis stated below, 

  • Newborns (0–3 months): 14–17 hours
  • Infants (4–12 months): 12–16 hours
  • Toddler (1–2 years): 11–14 hours
  • Preschool (3–5 years): 10–13 hours
  • School-age (6–12 years): 9–12 hours
  • Teen (13–18 years): 8–10 hours


Frequently asked questions (FAQs) of Why we need sleep

Question 1

Is there any benefit when we rest naked?



Sleeping naked has its benefit as it will help improve your body image. Another study noted that skin-to-skin contact with one’s partner, including during sleep, contributes to the release of oxytocin, which helps you form a deeper bond and is linked to lowering stress levels.


Question 2

Why Do We Rest, Anyway?



Scientists aren’t entirely sure why we rest, they have many ideas about the functions of this mysterious part of our lives. While some of these functions may have deep evolutionary roots, others, such as sleep’s potential role in memory and health, seem particularly relevant to life in the 21st century


Question 3

When and how do I get better rest?



Usually, the most obvious things are the most effective. Simply going to bed earlier can help you have better sleep and buy using ear pods or pies to listen to music at night can equally help you fall asleep quickly. You won’t fall asleep right away every night, nor will you always stay asleep the whole night, so spending seven or eight hours in bed each night might not be enough.

Try to practice meditation daily. One of the scientific benefits of meditation is how it helps with sleep.

Screens make more of a difference than you might think. The blue light that screens emit tricks your brain into thinking it is still daytime and keeps you up. Stop using screens an hour or two before bed, or better yet, try a social media detox.

Question 4

How much rest do I need to stay healthy?



A child between the ages of 0 to 5 needs between 10 to 14 hours of sleep each day, including naps. However, adults typically need 7 hours or more for optimal rest.


Question 5

How does room temperature impact the quality of rest?



Yes, it does, but the best room temperature differs for each person. For many people, a room temperature of about 65 to 72 degrees F is considered ideal for the best rest. Higher room temperatures tend to make falling asleep more challenging. Higher temperatures also contribute to more wakefulness, which negatively impacts sleep satisfaction and the feeling that one had adequate rest.

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Sleep is a vital, often neglected, component of every person’s overall health and well-being. Rest is important because it enables the body to repair and be fit and ready for another day.

Getting adequate rest may also help prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration. As the human body is made up of born and flesh, designed to work for a whole day as long as energy can carry it is equally required for the body to have enough rest which is essential for helping a person maintain optimal health and well-being. A lack of sleep at night can make you cranky the next day. And over time, skimping while your body has retired to rest can mess up more than just your morning mood

Hope this was helpful, for more information and updates on health or how you can purchase medical equipment contact Us Rovich Diagnostics Service 

why we need sleep


Best place for diabetes Diagnosis


Diabetes mellitus (DM), commonly known as just diabetes, is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. Symptoms often include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased appetite. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many health complications. Acute complications can include diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state, or death. Serious long-term complications include cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease, foot ulcers, damage to the nerves, damage to the eyes, and cognitive impairment.

Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. There are three main types of diabetes mellitus. Also is a condition in which blood glucose levels are too high to be considered normal but not high enough to be labeled diabetes. People have prediabetes if their fasting blood glucose level is between 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) and 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L) or if their blood glucose level 2 hours after a glucose tolerance test is between 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) and 199 mg/dL (11.0 mmol/L). Prediabetes carries a higher risk of future diabetes as well as heart disease. Decreasing body weight by 5 to 10% through diet and exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing future diabetes. The three major nutrients that make up most food are carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. Sugars are one of three types of carbohydrates, along with starch and fiber.

There are many types of sugar. Some sugars are simple, and others are complex. Table sugar (sucrose) is made of two simpler sugars called glucose and fructose. Milk sugar (lactose) is made of glucose and a simple sugar called galactose. The carbohydrates in starches, such as bread, pasta, rice, and similar foods, are long chains of different simple sugar molecules. Sucrose, lactose, carbohydrates, and other complex sugars must be broken down into simple sugars by enzymes in the digestive tract before the body can absorb them. Once the body absorbs simple sugars, it usually converts them all into glucose, which is an important source of fuel for the body. Glucose is the sugar that is transported through the bloodstream and taken up by cells. The body can also make glucose from fats and proteins. Blood “sugar” really means blood glucose.

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Type 1 diabetes:

In type 1 diabetes (formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile-onset diabetes), the body’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, and more than 90% of them are permanently destroyed. The pancreas, therefore, produces little or no insulin. Only about 5 to 10% of all people with diabetes have type 1 disease. Most people who have type 1 diabetes develop the disease before age 30, although it can develop later in life.  Scientists believe that an environmental factor—possibly a viral infection or a nutritional factor during childhood or early adulthood—causes the immune system to destroy the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. A genetic predisposition makes some people more susceptible to environmental factors.

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Type 2 diabetes:  In type 2 diabetes (formerly called non– insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes), the pancreas often continues to produce insulin, sometimes even at higher-than-normal levels, especially early in the disease. However, the body develops resistance to the effects of insulin, so there is not enough insulin to meet the body’s needs. As type 2 diabetes progresses, the insulin-producing ability of the pancreas decreases. Type 2 diabetes was once rare in children and adolescents but has become more common. However, it usually begins in people older than 30 and becomes progressively more common with age. About 26% of people older than 65 have type 2 diabetes. People of certain racial and ethnic backgrounds are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes: blacks, Asian Americans, American Indians, and people of Spanish or Latin American ancestry who live in the United States have a twofold to threefold increased risk as compared with whites. Type 2 diabetes also tends to run in families. Obesity is the chief risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes, and 80 to 90% of people with this disorder are overweight or obese. Because obesity causes insulin resistance, obese people need very large amounts of insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Certain disorders and drugs can affect the way the body uses insulin and can lead to type 2 diabetes.  Examples:  of common states (conditions) that result in impaired insulin use are High levels of corticosteroids (most commonly due to use of corticosteroid drugs or Cushing syndrome Pregnancy (gestational diabetes ) Diabetes also may occur in people with excess production of growth hormone (acromegaly ) and in people with certain hormone-secreting tumors. Severe or recurring pancreatitis and other disorders that directly damage the pancreas can lead to diabetes.

 Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis and find out more Causes of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is classified into six categories: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hybrid forms of diabetes, hyperglycemia first detected during pregnancy, “unclassified diabetes”, and “other specific types”. The “hybrid forms of diabetes” contains slowly evolving, immune-mediated diabetes of adults and ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes. The “hyperglycemia first detected during pregnancy” contains gestational diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus in pregnancy (type 1 or type 2 diabetes first diagnosed during pregnancy). The “other specific types” are a collection of a few dozen individual causes. Diabetes is a more variable disease than once thought and people may have combinations of forms. The term “diabetes”, without qualification, refers to diabetes mellitus.

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Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreatic islets, leading to insulin deficiency. This type can be further classified as immune-mediated or idiopathic. The majority of type 1 diabetes is of an immune-mediated nature, in which a T cell-mediated autoimmune attack leads to the loss of beta cells and thus insulin. It causes approximately 10% of diabetes mellitus cases in North America and Europe. Most affected people are otherwise healthy and of a healthy weight when onset occurs. Sensitivity and responsiveness to insulin are usually normal, especially in the early stages. Although it has been called “juvenile diabetes” due to the frequent onset in children, the majority of individuals living with type 1 diabetes are now adults. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services 

“Brittle” diabetes, also known as unstable diabetes or labile diabetes, is a term that was traditionally used to describe the dramatic and recurrent swings in glucose levels, often occurring for no apparent reason in insulin-dependent diabetes. This term, however, has no biologic basis and should not be used. Still, type 1 diabetes can be accompanied by irregular and unpredictable high blood sugar levels, and the potential for diabetic ketoacidosis or serious low blood sugar levels. Other complications include an impaired counterregulatory response to low blood sugar, infection, gastroparesis (which leads to erratic absorption of dietary carbohydrates), and endocrinopathies (e.g., Addison’s disease).These phenomena are believed to occur no more frequently than in 1% to 2% of persons with type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is partly inherited, with multiple genes, including certain HLA genotypes, known to influence the risk of diabetes. In genetically susceptible people, the onset of diabetes can be triggered by one or more environmental factors, such as a viral infection or diet. Several viruses have been implicated, but to date there is no stringent evidence to support this hypothesis in humans. Among dietary factors, data suggest that gliadin (a protein present in gluten) may play a role in the development of type 1 diabetes, but the mechanism is not fully understood.

Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age, and a significant proportion is diagnosed during adulthood. Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) is the diagnostic term applied when type 1 diabetes develops in adults; it has a slower onset than the same condition in children. Given this difference, some use the unofficial term “type 1.5 diabetes” for this condition. Adults with LADA are frequently initially misdiagnosed as having type 2 diabetes, based on age rather than a cause. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services 

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Type 2

Reduced insulin secretion and absorption leads to high glucose content in the blood.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance, which may be combined with relatively reduced insulin secretion. The defective responsiveness of body tissues to insulin is believed to involve the insulin receptor. However, the specific defects are not known. Diabetes mellitus cases due to a known defect are classified separately. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes mellitus. Many people with type 2 diabetes have evidence of prediabetes (impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance) before meeting the criteria for type 2 diabetes. The progression of prediabetes to overt type 2 diabetes can be slowed or reversed by lifestyle changes or medications that improve insulin sensitivity or reduce the liver’s glucose production.

Type 2 diabetes is primarily due to lifestyle factors and genetics. A number of lifestyle factors are known to be important to the development of type 2 diabetes, including obesity (defined by a body mass index of greater than 30), lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, and urbanization. Excess body fat is associated with 30% of cases in people of Chinese and Japanese descent, 60–80% of cases in those of European and African descent, and 100% of Pima Indians and Pacific Islanders. Even those who are not obese may have a high waist–hip ratio. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services 

Dietary factors such as sugar-sweetened drinks are associated with an increased risk. The type of fats in the diet is also important, with saturated fat and trans fats increasing the risk and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat decreasing the risk.Eating white rice excessively may increase the risk of diabetes, especially in Chinese and Japanese people. Lack of physical activity may increase the risk of diabetes in some people. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including abuse, neglect, and household difficulties, increase the likelihood of type 2 diabetes later in life by 32%, with neglect having the strongest effect.

Best place for diabetes Diagnosis

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes resembles type 2 diabetes in several respects, involving a combination of relatively inadequate insulin secretion and responsiveness. It occurs in about 2–10% of all pregnancies and may improve or disappear after delivery. It is recommended that all pregnant women get tested starting around 24–28 weeks gestation. It is most often diagnosed in the second or third trimester because of the increase in insulin-antagonist hormone levels that occurs at this time. However, after pregnancy approximately 5–10% of women with gestational diabetes are found to have another form of diabetes, most commonly type 2.Gestational diabetes is fully treatable, but requires careful medical supervision throughout the pregnancy. Management may include dietary changes, blood glucose monitoring, and in some cases, insulin may be required. Though it may be transient, untreated gestational diabetes can damage the health of the fetus or mother. Risks to the baby include macrosomia (high birth weight), congenital heart and central nervous system abnormalities, and skeletal muscle malformations. Increased levels of insulin in a fetus’s blood may inhibit fetal surfactant production and cause infant respiratory distress syndrome. A high blood bilirubin level may result from red blood cell destruction. In severe cases, perinatal death may occur, most commonly as a result of poor placental perfusion due to vascular impairment. Labor induction may be indicated with decreased placental function. A caesarean section may be performed if there is marked fetal distress or an increased risk of injury associated with macrosomia, such as shoulder dystocia. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services 


Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis Signs and symptoms of diabetes

The classic symptoms of untreated diabetes are unintended weight loss, polyuria (increased urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased hunger). Symptoms may develop rapidly (weeks or months) in type 1 diabetes, while they usually develop much more slowly and may be subtle or absent in type 2 diabetes.

Several other signs and symptoms can mark the onset of diabetes although they are not specific to the disease. In addition to the known symptoms listed above, they include blurred vision, headache, fatigue, slow healing of cuts, and itchy skin. Prolonged high blood glucose can cause glucose absorption in the lens of the eye, which leads to changes in its shape, resulting in vision changes. Long-term vision loss can also be caused by diabetic retinopathy. A number of skin rashes that can occur in diabetes are collectively known as diabetic dermadromes.

Others are : 

  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
  • Increased hunger
  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Decreased endurance during exercise

When the blood glucose level rises above 160 to 180 mg/dL (8.9 to 10.0 mmol/L), glucose spills into the urine. When the level of glucose in the urine rises even higher, the kidneys excrete additional water to dilute a large amount of glucose. Because the kidneys produce excessive urine, people with diabetes urinate large volumes frequently (polyuria). Excessive urination creates abnormal thirst (polydipsia). Because excessive calories are lost in the urine, people may lose weight. To compensate, people often feel excessively hungry.

Treatment of diabetes

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Weight loss
  • Education
  • In type 1 diabetes, insulin injections
  • In type 2 diabetes, often drugs by mouth and sometimes insulin or other drugs by injection

Diet, exercise, and education are the cornerstones of treatment of diabetes and often the first recommendations for people with mild diabetes. Weight loss is important for people who are overweight. People who continue to have elevated blood glucose levels despite lifestyle changes, or have very high blood glucose levels and people with type 1 diabetes (no matter their blood glucose levels) also require drugs. Because complications are less likely to develop if people with diabetes strictly control their blood glucose levels, the goal of diabetes treatment is to keep blood glucose levels as close to the normal range as possible.  Treatment of high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, which can contribute to circulation problems, can help prevent some of the complications of diabetes as well. A low dose of aspirin taken daily is recommended in people with risk factors for heart disease . All people with diabetes who are between 40 and 75 years are given a statin (a drug to decrease cholesterol levels) regardless of cholesterol levels. People younger than 40 or older than 75 years and with an elevated risk of heart disease also should take a statin. It is helpful for people with diabetes to carry or wear medical identification (such as a bracelet or tag) to alert health care practitioners to the presence of diabetes. This information allows health care practitioners to start life-saving treatment quickly, especially in the case of injury or change in mental status. Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state are medical emergencies because they can cause coma and death. Treatment is similar for both and centers around giving intravenous fluids and insulin.                                                                                                                                  

Diabetes treatment goals :

  Experts recommend that people keep their blood glucose levels

  • Between 80 and 130 mg/dL (4.4 and 7.2 mmol/L) fasting (before meals)
  • Less than 180 mg/dL (10.0 mmol/L) 2 hours after meals Hemoglobin A1C levels should be less than 7%.

Because aggressive treatment to reach these goals increases the risk that blood glucose might go too low (hypoglycemia ), these goals are adjusted for some people in whom hypoglycemia is particularly undesirable, such as older people. Some other goals are keeping systolic blood pressure less than 140 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg. For diabetic people who have heart disease or are at high risk for heart disease, the blood pressure goal is less than 1

30/80 mm Hg.      


General treatment of diabetes contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis

People with diabetes benefit greatly from learning about the disorder, understanding how diet and exercise affect their blood glucose levels, and knowing how to avoid complications. A nurse trained in diabetes education can provide information about managing diet, exercising, monitoring blood glucose levels, and taking drugs. People with diabetes should stop smoking and consume only moderate amounts of alcohol (up to one drink per day for women and two for men).   


Diet for people with diabetes                                                                                 

Diet management is very important in people with both types of diabetes mellitus. Doctors recommend a healthy, balanced diet and efforts to maintain a healthy weight. People with diabetes can benefit from meeting with a dietitian or a diabetes educator to develop an optimal eating plan. Such a plan includes avoiding simple sugars and processed foods, increasing dietary fiber, limiting portions of carbohydrate-rich, and fatty foods (especially saturated fats). People who are taking insulin should avoid long periods between meals to prevent hypoglycemia . Although protein and fat in the diet contribute to the number of calories a person eats, only the number of carbohydrates has a direct effect on blood glucose levels. The American Diabetes Association has many helpful tips on diet , including recipes. Even when people follow a proper diet, cholesterol-lowering drugs are needed to decrease the risk of heart disease.       People with type 1 diabetes and certain people with type 2 diabetes may use carbohydrate counting or the carbohydrate exchange system to match their insulin dose to the carbohydrate content of their meal. “Counting” the amount of carbohydrate in a meal is used to calculate the amount of insulin the person takes before eating. However, the carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio (the amount of insulin taken for each gram of carbohydrate in the meal) varies for each person, and people with diabetes need to work closely with a dietician who has experience in working with people with diabetes to master the technique. Some experts have advised use of the glycemic index (a measure of the impact of an ingested carbohydrate-containing food on the blood glucose level) to delineate between rapid and slowly metabolized carbohydrates, although there is little evidence to support this approach. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services                                                                        

Exercise for people with diabetes                                                          

Exercise, in appropriate amounts (at least 150 minutes a week spread out over three days), can also help people control their weight and improve blood glucose levels. Because blood glucose levels go down during exercise, people must be alert for symptoms of hypoglycemia. Some people need to eat a small snack during prolonged exercise, decrease their insulin dose, or both.                      

Weight loss for people with diabetes                                                         

Many people, especially those with type 2 diabetes, are overweight or obese. Some people with type 2 diabetes may be able to avoid or delay the need to take drugs by achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Weight loss is also important in these people because excess weight contributes to complications of diabetes. When people with diabetes have trouble losing weight with diet and exercise alone, doctors may give weight-loss drugs or recommend bariatric surgery (surgery to cause weight loss). Contact the Best place for diabetes Rovich Diagnostics Services

Prevention of diabetes complications early contact of the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis                                                        

Proper care of feet and regular eye examinations can help prevent or delay the onset of complications of diabetes. People with diabetes are vaccinated against Streptococcus pneumoniae, and doctors usually recommend they receive annual flu vaccination because people with diabetes are at risk of infection.     Drug treatment of diabetes                                                                        

There are many drugs used to treat diabetes . People with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections to lower blood glucose levels. Most people with type 2 diabetes require drugs by mouth to lower blood glucose levels but some also require insulin or other injectable drugs.                                                                        

Monitoring diabetes treatment                                                                 

blood glucose levels is an essential part of diabetes care. Routine blood glucose monitoring provides the information needed to make necessary adjustments in drugs, diet, and exercise regimens. It is potentially harmful to wait until there are symptoms of low or high blood glucose levels to check blood glucose. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis  Rovich Diagnostics Services

Many things cause blood glucose levels to change (contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis)                                                                         



Time of the day                                                                                                                                           




The blood glucose levels may jump after people eat foods they did not realize were high in carbohydrates. Emotional stress, an infection, and many drugs tend to increase blood glucose levels. Blood glucose levels increase in many people in the early morning hours because of the normal release of hormones (growth hormone and cortisol), a reaction called the dawn phenomenon. Blood glucose may shoot too high if the body releases certain hormones in response to low blood glucose levels (Somogyi effect). Exercise may cause the levels of glucose in the blood to fall low. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services                                                                                                   

Monitoring blood glucose levels (Best place for diabetes Diagnosis)                                                                   

Blood glucose levels can be measured easily at home or anywhere. A fingerstick glucose test is most often used to monitor blood glucose. Most blood glucose monitoring devices (glucose meters) use a drop of blood obtained by pricking the tip of the finger with a small lancet. The lancet holds a tiny needle that can be jabbed into the finger or placed in a spring-loaded device that easily and quickly pierces the skin. Most people find that the pricking causes only minimal discomfort. Then, a drop of blood is placed on a reagent strip. The strip contains chemicals that undergo changes depending on the glucose level. The glucose meter reads the changes in the test strip and reports the result on a digital display. Some devices allow the blood sample to be obtained from other sites, such as the palm, forearm, upper arm, thigh, or calf. Home glucose meters are smaller than a deck of cards.                                                                                   

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems use a small glucose sensor placed under the skin. The sensor measures blood glucose levels every few minutes. There are two types of CGMs, with different purposes:                

types of STI     



Professional CGMs collect continuous blood glucose information over a period of time (72 hours to up to 14 days). Health care providers use this information to make treatment recommendations. Professional CGMs do not provide data to the person with diabetes. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services                                                                                                  

Personal CGMs are used by the person and provide real-time blood glucose data on a small portable monitor or on a connected smart phone. Alarms on the CGM system can be set to sound when blood glucose levels drop too low or climb too high, so the device can help people quickly identify worrisome changes in blood glucose. Previously, CGMs required frequent calibration with fingerstick glucose testing. Also their results were not accurate enough so that people always had to do a fingerstick to verify a reading on their CGM before calculating a dose of insulin (for example, before meals or to correct a high blood sugar). However, recent technological advances have improved CGMs and promise to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. They can now be worn for up to 14 days, often do not require calibration, and can be used for insulin dosing without fingerstick glucose confirmation. Finally, there are now systems in which the CGM device communicates with insulin pumps to either stop delivery of insulin when blood glucose is dropping (threshold suspend), or to give daily insulin (hybrid closed loop system). CGM systems are particularly helpful in certain circumstances, such as in people with type 1 diabetes who have frequent, rapid changes in blood glucose (particularly when the glucose levels sometimes go very low), which are difficult to identify with fingerstick testing. Most people with diabetes should keep a record of their blood glucose levels and report them to their doctor or nurse for advice in adjusting the dose of insulin or the oral antihyperglycemic drug. Many people can learn to adjust the insulin dose on their own as necessary. Some people who have mild or early type 2 diabetes that is well-controlled with one or two drugs may be able to monitor their fingerstick glucose levels relatively infrequently. Although urine can also be tested for the presence of glucose, checking urine is not a good way to monitor treatment or adjust therapy. Urine testing can be misleading because the amount of glucose in the urine may not reflect the current level of glucose in the blood. Blood glucose levels can get very low or reasonably high without any change in the glucose levels in the urine.    

Hemoglobin A1C                                                                                           

Doctors can monitor treatment using a blood test called hemoglobin A1C. When the blood glucose levels are high, changes occur in hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood. These changes are in direct proportion to the blood glucose levels over an extended period. The higher the hemoglobin A1C level, the higher the person’s glucose levels have been. Thus, unlike the blood glucose measurement, which reveals the level at a particular moment, the hemoglobin A1C measurement demonstrates whether the blood glucose levels have been controlled over the previous few months. People with diabetes aim for a hemoglobin A1C level of less than 7%. Achieving this level is difficult, but the lower the hemoglobin A1C level, the less likely people are to have complications. Doctors may recommend a slightly higher or lower target for certain people depending on their particular health situation. However, levels above 9% show poor control, and levels above 12% show very poor control. Most doctors who specialize in diabetes care recommend that hemoglobin A1C be measured every 3 to 6 months.           types of STI                                                                                              


Fructosamine, an amino acid that has bonded with glucose, is also useful for measuring blood glucose control over a period of a few weeks and is generally used when hemoglobin A1C results are not reliable, such as in people who have abnormal forms of hemoglobin.                                                                                        

Pancreas transplantation                                                                             

People with type 1 diabetes sometimes receive transplantation of an entire pancreas or of only the insulin-producing cells from a donor pancreas. This procedure may allow people with type 1 diabetes mellitus to maintain normal glucose levels. However, because immunosuppressant drugs must be given to prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted cells, pancreas transplantation is usually done only in people who have serious complications due to diabetes or who are receiving another transplanted organ (such as a kidney) and will require immunosuppressant drugs anyway.                                                                                          

People with difficulty maintaining blood glucose levels                           

The term brittle diabetes has been used to refer to people who have dramatic recurrent swings in blood glucose levels, often for no apparent reason. However, this term is no longer used. People with type 1 diabetes may have more frequent swings in blood glucose levels because insulin production is completely absent. Infection, delayed movement of food through the stomach, and other hormonal disorders may also contribute to blood glucose swings. In all people who have difficulty controlling blood glucose, doctors look for other disorders that might be causing the problem and also give people additional education on how to monitor diabetes and take their drugs.                                                                           

Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis and see Older people with diabetes                                                                                

Older people need to follow the same general principles of diabetes management—education, diet, exercise, and drugs—as younger people. However, risking hypoglycemia (a low blood glucose level) by trying to strictly control blood glucose levels may actually be harmful for people with multiple medical problems. Managing diabetes can be more difficult for older people. Poor eyesight may make it hard for them to read glucose meters and dose scales on insulin syringes. They may have problems manipulating the syringe because they have arthritis or Parkinson disease or have had a stroke. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis  Rovich Diagnostics Services                   


In addition to learning about diabetes itself, older people may have to learn how to fit management of diabetes in with their management of other disorders. Learning about how to avoid complications, such as dehydration, skin breakdown, and circulation problems, and to manage factors that can contribute to complications of diabetes, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, is especially important. Such problems become more common as people age, whether they have diabetes or not.                                                                                     


Many older people have difficulty following a healthy, balanced diet that can control blood glucose levels and weight. Changing long-held food preferences and dietary habits may be hard. Some older people have other disorders that can be affected by diet and may not understand how to integrate the dietary recommendations for their various disorders.      Some older people cannot control what they eat because someone else is cooking for them—at home or in a nursing home or other institution. When people with diabetes do not do their own cooking, the people who shop and prepare meals for them must also understand the diet that is needed. Older people and their caregivers usually benefit from meeting with a dietitian to develop a healthy, feasible eating plan. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services  

 Best place for diabetes Diagnosis


Older people may have a difficult time adding exercise to their daily life, particularly if they have not been active or if they have a disorder that limits their movement, such as arthritis. However, they may be able to add exercise to their usual routine. For example, they can walk instead of drive or climb the stairs instead of take the elevator. Also, many community organizations offer exercise programs designed for older people.                                                                                   


Taking the drugs used to treat diabetes, particularly insulin, may be difficult for some older people. For those with vision problems or other problems that make accurately filling a syringe difficult, a caregiver can prepare the syringes ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator. People whose insulin dose is stable may purchase prefilled syringes. Prefilled insulin pen devices may be easier for people with physical limitations. Some of these devices have large numbers and easy-to-turn dials. Contact the Best place for diabetes diagnosis Rovich Diagnostics Services                                                                                                         

Monitoring blood glucose levels                                                                                

Poor vision, limited manual dexterity due to arthritis, tremor, or stroke, or other physical limitations may make monitoring blood glucose levels more difficult for older people. However, special monitors are available. Some have large numerical displays that are easier to read. Some provide audible instructions and results. Some monitors read blood glucose levels through the skin and do not require a blood sample. People can consult a diabetes educator to determine which meter is most appropriate.                                                                                                         


The most common complication of treating high blood glucose levels is low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia ). The risk is greatest for older people who are frail, who are sick enough to require frequent hospital admissions, or who are taking several drugs. Of all available drugs to treat diabetes, long-acting sulfonylurea drugs are most likely to cause low blood glucose levels in older people. When they take these drugs, they are also more likely to have serious symptoms, such as fainting and falling, and to have difficulty thinking or using parts of the body due to low blood glucose levels. Hypoglycemia in older people may be less obvious than in younger people. Confusion caused by hypoglycemia may be mistaken for dementia or the sedative effect of drugs. Also, people who have difficulty communicating (as after a stroke or as a result of dementia) may not be able to let anyone know they are having symptoms.                                                                                                                                     

How to manually test yourself for Diabetes – Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis                                                             

You can take a blood sugar test two ways. People who are monitoring or managing their diabetes prick their finger using a glucometer for daily testing. The other method is drawing blood. Blood samples are generally used to screen for diabetes. Your doctor will order a fasting blood sugar (FBS) test. This test measures your blood sugar levels, or a glycosylated hemoglobin, also called a hemoglobin A1C test. The results of this test reflect your blood sugar levels over the previous 90 days. The results will show if you have prediabetes or diabetes and can monitor how your diabetes is controlled.

Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis or Alternately :

Wash your hands.

Put a lancet into the lancet device so that it’s ready to go.

Place a new test strip into the meter.

Prick your finger with the lancet in the protective lancing device.

Carefully place the subsequent drop of blood onto the test strip and wait for the results.

Contact the Best place for diabetes Diagnosis to find out Frequently ask question

  1. Does a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mean I will have to go on insulin?

 No. People with type 2 diabetes may or may not ever need to take insulin injections, depending on several factors, including the timing of diagnosis. Research indicates that if type 2 diabetes is treated early and blood sugar is controlled initially and over the years, the pancreas is more likely to produce enough insulin longer. But a person who lives with type 2 upward of 15 years is unlikely to continue to make sufficient insulin and will need to take it via syringe, pen, or pump.                                                                                   

2.  What should my blood sugar be when I wake up (fasting) and before meals? What about after?

 For most people with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association recommends a fasting or before-meals blood glucose (or blood sugar) goal of 70–130 mg/dl. One to two hours after eating, a postprandial blood sugar reading at or under 180 mg/dl is recommended.                                                                                              


Diabetes is a slow killer with no known curable treatments. However, its complications can be reduced through proper awareness and timely treatment. Three major complications are related to blindness, kidney damage and heart attack. It is important to keep the blood glucose levels of patients under strict control for avoiding the complications. One of the difficulties with tight control of glucose levels in the blood is that such attempts may lead to hypoglycemia that creates much severe complications than an increased level of blood glucose. Researchers now look for alternative methods for diabetes treatment. The goal of this paper is to give a general idea of the current status of diabetes research. The author believes that diabetes is one of the highly demanding research topics of the new century and wants to encourage new researchers to take up the challenges.

Hope this was helpful, for more updates contact Us Rovich Diagnostics Services

Best place for diabetes Diagnosis



types of STI


The pitfalls tied to these silent killers are very tragic. However, it has rendered many lives stagnant, full of pains and as well as truncated many  destinies prematurely.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are passed from person to person through sexual contact. HIV is an STI. There are more than 25 other STIs that are mainly spread by sexual contact such as vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than one million people get an STI every day.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are often used interchangeably with “STI,” they are not exactly the same. A “disease” is usually an obvious medical problem with clear signs and symptoms. “Infection” with an STI may or may not result in disease. This is why many individuals and organizations working in health are moving toward using the term “sexually transmitted infection” rather than “sexually transmitted disease.” Most people with STIs do not have any symptoms and therefore often do not know that they can pass the infection on to their sexual partner(s).

Once the treatment is played down upon, STIs can cause serious health problems, including cervical cancer, liver disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, and pregnancy problems. Having some STIs (such as chancroid, herpes, syphilis, and trichomoniasis) can increase your risk of getting HIV if you are HIV-negative and are exposed to HIV. People living with HIV may also be at greater risk of getting or passing on other STIs. When people living with HIV get STIs, they can experience more serious problems from them or find it more  difficult to get rid of these infections.

The US has the highest rate of STIs in the resource-rich world. In the US, about 20 million new infections occur each year. More than half of these occur among young people (15-24 years old), even though that age group accounts for only a small proportion of all sexually active people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the number of people who get chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis (the three nationally reportable STIs) is increasing in most years.

types of STI

There are several reasons why teenage girls and young women are more at risk for STIs. First, the cervix (passage between the vagina and womb) in young people is lined with cells that are more likely to become infected with STIs. Second, teenagers and young adults may have problems getting the information and supplies they need to avoid STIs. They may also have trouble getting STI prevention services because they do not know where to find them, do not have transportation to get there, or cannot pay for them. Even if teenagers and young women can get STI prevention services, they may not feel comfortable in places designed for adults. They may also have concerns about confidentiality.

Teenage girls and women of color have some of the highest rates of STIs, especially for chlamydia and gonorrhea. High rates of STIs among women of color are the result of several factors, including higher rates of poverty, less access to health care, and an already high rate of STIs in communities of color. Because there are more people with STIs in some communities, this increases a woman’s vulnerability to getting an STI each time she has sex, because potential sex partners within her community are more likely to have an STI.

Regardless of race or age, less than half of those who should be tested for STIs receive STI screening. This is especially important for women, since women suffer more frequent and more serious complications from STIs than men.

Many STIs have no symptoms but can still be passed from person to person. A lot of people who have an STI do not even know it. They may be healthy, and still have an STI. It is not possible to tell a person has an STI just by looking at them. The only way to know for sure is to get tested – to have regular sexual health screenings by your health care provider. In the US, you can find an STI screening site in your area here.

While many people with STIs show no signs or symptoms of their infection, when there are signs of STIs, they are most likely to be in the genital area. The genital area in some people, including cisgender women, includes the vulva (the area around the vagina including the lips), vagina (the opening where menstrual blood comes out), buttocks, urethra (the opening above the vagina where urine comes out) and anus (the opening where a bowel movement – “poop” – comes out). The genital area in others, including cisgender men, includes the penis, scrotum (“balls”), urethra, and anus.

Fortunately, you can reduce your chances of getting many STIs by practicing safer sex. Most STIs, though not all, can be successfully cured through treatment. For other STIs, there are effective medications that can help you manage your condition.

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Types of STIs/ STDs

Chlamydia STI

Clamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is caused by a bacterium that exists in vaginal secretions and semen (“cum”). It can be spread by vaginal, oral, or anal sex without a condom or latex/polyurethane barrier. Pregnant people can pass it on to their babies during delivery.

Chlamydia can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Symptoms may include vaginal discharge and burning during urination, but most people do not have any symptoms. If left untreated, it can spread to the upper, internal reproductive organs (ovaries and fallopian tubes) and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can lead to permanent infertility, meaning that it may be difficult or impossible to become pregnant.

The CDC recommends yearly chlamydia screening for all sexually active women under the age of 25, as well as for older women with risk factors, such as new or multiple sex partners. Unfortunately, recent reports show that less than half of sexually active women under 25 are screened for chlamydia, in part because of a lack of awareness among health care providers. If you are not offered a chlamydia test, you may want to request one from your health care provider.

If you test positive and are treated, it is important that your partner receive treatment in order to prevent reinfection.

Gonorrhea STI

Often called “the clap,” this STI is transmitted by a bacterium in vaginal secretions and semen. It can be spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom or latex/polyurethane barrier. Symptoms may include a yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge and a burning feeling when urinating. Gonorrhea can also affect the anus and the throat. Many women have no symptoms. Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, it can cause PID and permanent infertility. All sexually active women should be screened for gonorrhea. If you test positive and are treated, it is important that your partner receive treatment in order to prevent reinfection.

Herpes STI

This STI is caused by a virus that lives in the nerves. There are two common types of herpes. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) usually causes cold sores around the mouth. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) usually causes sores in the genital area. However, it is possible to get HSV-2 in the mouth and HSV-1 in the genital area. People with herpes can have no symptoms but if they have symptoms, they are usually itchy or painful blisters. The virus is spread through skin-to-skin contact with sores, but it may also spread from the normal intact skin of a person who has herpes. Many people who have never had symptoms may not realize they have herpes and currently there is no recommended tests to look for it other than a physical exam and culture of blister. In most people, the sores come and go, but the virus stays in the body for life. Sometimes there are no symptoms because the virus is “hiding” in the nerves. Some women living with HIV never had blisters or sores before they acquired HIV, and are then surprised when they develop an “outbreak” of sores because their immune systems are weakened by HIV.

Genital HSV-2 infection is more common in women than men. In addition, women living with HIV may have more frequent herpes outbreaks that may be more difficult to treat. There is no cure for herpes, but the antiviral drugs Zovirax (acyclovir), Valtrex (valacyclovir), and Famvir (famciclovir) can reduce the number of outbreaks if taken daily, and can shorten outbreaks and make them less severe if taken as soon as symptoms begin. Valtrex has also been shown to lower your risk of passing the infection to someone else. People who are pregnant can pass herpes to their babies, so it is important to let your health care provider know if you have genital herpes and you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

types of STI


HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It is present in blood, vaginal secretions, semen, and breast milk. HIV can be spread through vaginal, oral, or anal sex when a condom, other latex/polyurethane barrier, or treatment-as-prevention method is not used. As many as one in seven people living with HIV in the US do not know they have the virus.

Getting tested for HIV is part of routine, regular health care in many countries. The Public Health Agency of Canada, for example, recommends that HIV testing be discussed as part of routine medical care. The CDC now recommends testing all people ages 13 to 64, unless they have already been tested. It also recommends that you get tested for HIV before beginning a new sexual relationship, regardless of your age.

The World Health Organization (WHO) makes different suggestions based on where you live. Where HIV is widespread, it recommends that HIV testing be offered to anyone who goes to a health care facility. Where HIV is less common, it suggests that HIV tests be offered to people who may be at higher risk of having been exposed to HIV.

It is important that you also get tested if:

  • You have ever had vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom
  • You have ever shared needles or syringes to inject drugs or other substances
  • You are uncertain of your partner’s status, or your partner is living with HIV
  • You are pregnantor are considering becoming pregnant
  • You have ever been diagnosed with an STI or STD
  • You have hepatitis C
  • You begin treatment for tuberculosis (TB)

If left untreated, HIV can cause serious illness and death. If you test positive for HIV, there are effective medications that can help you stay well for a very long time.

When a person living with HIV is taking HIV drugs and their viral load stays at undetectable levels (not enough HIV in the blood for a test to measure), that person cannot transmit HIV to a sexual partner who is HIV-negative. Further, if you are not living with HIV, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a drug a health care provider can prescribe to prevent you from acquiring HIV – similar to the way daily birth control pills help people avoid becoming pregnant. These HIV treatment-as-prevention methods only prevent HIV – not any of the other STIs described in this fact sheet.

You cannot get the health care and treatment you need if you do not know your HIV status. For more information on HIV, go to the section on The Well Project website called HIV: The Basics.


Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by viruses. HPV (human papillomavirus) is the name of a large group of viruses. Certain types of HPV cause warts on the hands or feet. Other types cause infections in the genital area that can lead to genital warts, cervical cancer, or cancer of the vulva, vagina, anus, or penis. Genital HPV is spread easily through skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Condoms do not entirely prevent transmission. People living with HIV are more likely to be living with HPV than HIV-negative people. People living with HIV and HPV are also more likely to develop genital warts, as well as cervical or anal cancer.

It is important to find HPV early and get treatment to prevent health problems. Regular cervical screening tests are a good way to check for HPV. There are also three effective HPV vaccines. Since the introduction of the HPV vaccines several years ago, the number of 14- to 19-year-old girls with HPV in the US has dropped by more than half. It is important for young people to get vaccinated before they have sex (before they have been exposed to HPV), since people who already have HPV may not be protected b

Syphilis STI

Syphilis STI is caused by a bacterium. It can be spread by vaginal, anal, or oral sex without a condom or latex/polyurethane barrier. The disease has several phases. While it can be asymptomatic, people who have symptoms and primary syphilis (early disease) may have pain-free open sores, called chancres, in the genital or anal area or around the mouth. The sores usually heal on their own within three to six weeks. People with secondary syphilis (a later stage of the disease) often have a rash and/or hair loss. If left untreated, syphilis can proceed to the latent stage during which it may have no visible symptoms but can cause damage to the heart, brain, and other organs. Syphilis can be successfully treated with antibiotics. Without treatment, it can hurt your body’s organs, leading to severe illness and even death. People who are pregnant can pass syphilis to their babies during pregnancy and childbirth, so it is important that pregnant people get tested for syphilis. If you test positive and are treated, it is important that your partner receive treatment in order to prevent reinfection.

Hepatitis STI

Hepatitis is an inflammation (irritation) of the liver. Some types of hepatitis are caused by viruses that exist in blood, vaginal secretions, semen, and breast milk. These include hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV), both of which can be sexually transmitted. There is a vaccine to prevent HBV, but not HCV. Both can become chronic (long-term) and very serious. Because HBV and HCV often have no symptoms, most people do not know that they have the infection. If there are symptoms, they can include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine or abdominal (belly) pain.  It is important for people living with HIV to be tested for HBV and HCV and treated, if necessary. Hepatitis C can be cured.  For more information, see our article on Treatment of Hepatitis C in People Living with HIV.

types of STI

Pubic Lice (“Crabs”)

Pubic lice live in the pubic hair (the hair around the genitals) and can be transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. They can also be spread through infected clothes and bedding. Symptoms may include intense itching and seeing lice or eggs in the hair. Pubic lice can be treated with over-the-counter medications. However, pregnant people must use products specially designed for them. Contaminated clothes, sheets, pillowcases, blankets, and towels should be washed in hot water and laundry soap to kill lice and eggs and to prevent being infected again.

Trichomoniasis STI

Trichomoniasis STI is caused by a single-celled germ called a protozoa. It can be spread during vaginal, oral, or anal sex without a condom or latex/polyurethane barrier. Trichomoniasis is a common cause of vaginal infections. Symptoms may include a foamy, foul-smelling vaginal discharge and itching. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all. Trichomoniasis can be successfully treated with antibiotics. When a woman is infected with trichomoniasis, she and her sexual partner must both be treated, or the untreated partner can re-infect her.

Chancroid STI

Chancroid STI is caused by a bacterium. Symptoms may include genital sores, vaginal discharge, a burning feeling when urinating, and swollen lymph nodes in the groin. It can be spread by vaginal or anal sex or skin-to-skin contact with sores. Chancroid can be treated with antibiotics.


  • It is very possible to leave a healthy life free from Sexually Transmitted infections or diseases by protecting yourself using a latex condom for vaginal and anal sex or a plastic condom if you are sensitive to latex.
  • The internal (female) condom can also prevent many sexually transmitted infections
  • Use condoms without lubricant for oral sex on a man
  • Use latex or plastic barriers, such as a dental dam or plastic wrap, for oral sex on a woman or for oral-anal sex; use latex or plastic gloves if you have cuts or sores on your hands
  • Use water-based lubricants (KY, Astroglide) with latex condoms or barriers
  • DO NOT use oil-based products (Vaseline, coconut or other vegetable oil, body lotions) because they destroy latex
  • Do not use lubricants or condoms that contain nonoxynol-9 (N-9), which can damage the lining of the vagina or anus and increase the chances of acquiring HIV
  • Wash shared sex toys (dildos, vibrators) or put on a fresh condom between users
  • Know that some methods of birth control, such as birth control pills, shots, implants, or diaphragms, will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections. If you use one of these methods, also use a latex condom.
  • Talk with your sex partner(s) about sexually transmitted infections and using condoms
  • Talk honestly with your health care provider and your sex partner(s) about any sexually transmitted infections you or your partner has or has had
  • Have regular pelvic exams and cervical cancer screenings, but remember that cervical cancer screening tests do not screen for sexually transmitted infections other than HPV
  • Talk to your health care provider about having a routine sexually transmitted infection screening as part of your annual physical or gynecological exam
  • Do not share needles or syringes for injecting drugs or other substances; if you do share drug equipment, be sure to clean your works


Hope this was helpful, for more information contact us at Rovich Diagnostic Services a top diagnostic centre that provides world class medical investigations. Our service offerings include medical laboratory, ultrasound and endoscopy services. Rovich Diagnostic Services was established to respond to the need for quality and cost effective medical diagnostic services which support and increase positive health care outcomes in Nigeria.

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first aid kit

first aid kit

First Aid Kit

How to get a working  first aid kit?

What would you do if you cut your finger while chopping vegetables? How would you handle a stovetop burn, a spider bite, or a child’s scrape from a fall? Minor injuries happen every day, and most are easy to treat at home. But to handle them quickly and calmly, you need to know what to do and have the right supplies.

It is imperative that a well-stocked first aid kit is a must-have for treating minor injuries at home and on the go. You can buy a first aid kit or put one together on your own. Keep your supplies in a sturdy, clear plastic box so you can see what’s inside.

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What should be the content of the first aid kit?

How often should first aid kit be check?

Items can run out if you use them often, and medicines can expire if you rarely need them, so go through everything in your kit, and replace any empty or out-of-date items at least once a year.

Rovich Medical supplies

How and where to store first aid kit?

You don’t want to go searching for supplies when there’s a minor accident to attend to. Your kit should be easy to find. But it should be kept in a high, childproof cabinet, far away from kids’ prying fingers. Keep one full-sized kit in a central spot at home, such as your kitchen or bathroom. Then put a smaller kit in your car or purse for when you’re on the road.

How to prevent scars?

When your body heals after a cut, scrape, or burn, sometimes a scar can be left behind. Depending on the injury, some scars are small, and others are bigger and more noticeable.

To prevent scars, follow these tips:

  • Wear helmets, kneepads, and other protective gear to avoid injury.
  • Treat any cuts or other wounds right away.
  • Keep the wound moist (try an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly) while it heals.
  • Don’t pick at the scab.
  • Consider covering your cut with silicone gel sheeting, a clear, sticky pad that can speed healing.
  • If the scar isn’t fading, ask your doctor about creams or ointments to make it less obvious.

Hope this was helpful, for more updates contact us Rovich Diagnostics Services

first aid kit


How to stop Bleeding



Bleeding time is a medical test done on someone to assess their platelets function. It involves making a patient bleed then timing how long it takes for them to stop bleeding. The term template bleeding time is used when the test is performed to standardized parameters. The bleeding time test is a method indicated when other more reliable and less invasive tests for determining coagulation are not available. However, it remains the most reliable way of assessing clinical bleeding in patients with uremia.Historically it was indicated whenever the physician needed information about platelet activation. The process involves cutting the underside of the subject’s forearm, in an area where there is no hair or visible veins. The cut is of a standardized width and depth, and is done quickly by an automatic device. A blood pressure cuff is used above the wound, to maintain venous pressure at a specified value. The time it takes for the bleeding to stop (i.e. the time it takes for a platelet plug to form) is measured. Cessation of bleeding can be determined by blotting away the blood every several seconds until the site looks “glassy”. Bleeding time is affected by platelet function, certain vascular disorders and von Willebrand Disease—not by other coagulation factors such as haemophilia. Diseases that cause prolonged bleeding time include thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), Bernard-Soulier disease, and Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia. Aspirin and other cyclooxygenase inhibitors can significantly prolong bleeding time. While warfarin and heparin have their major effects on coagulation factors, an increased bleeding time is sometimes seen with use of these medications as well. People with von Willebrand disease usually experience increased bleeding time, as von Willebrand factor is a platelet adhesion protein, but this is not considered an effective diagnostic test for this condition. It is also prolonged in hypofibrinogenemia. 

Medical Consultation

How to test for bleeding time

A blood pressure cuff is inflated around your upper arm. While the cuff is on your arm, the health care provider makes two small cuts on the lower arm. They are just deep enough to cause a tiny amount of bleeding. The blood pressure cuff is immediately deflated. Blotting paper is touched to the cuts every 30 seconds until the bleeding stops. The provider records the time it takes for the cuts to stop bleeding. A standard-sized incision is made around 10 mm long and 1 mm deep. The time from when the incision is made until all bleeding has stopped is measured and is called the bleeding time. Every 30 seconds, filter paper or a paper towel is used to draw off the blood.

A forecast result :  Bleeding normally stops within 1 to 9 minutes. However, values may vary from lab to lab. A prolonged bleeding time may be a result from decreased number of thrombocytes [platelets] or impaired blood vessels. However, the depth of the puncture or incision may be the source of error.

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How to stop Bleeding 2021 Review

Bleeding time is a medical test that measures how fast small blood vessels in the skin stop bleeding. The bleeding time test is used to evaluate how well a person’s blood is clotting. The test evaluates how long it takes the vessels cut to constrict and how long it takes for platelets in the blood to seal off the hole. where the pre-operative assessment of patients taking aspirin or NSAIDs and screening for von-Willebrand disease.

 NOTE :  A prolonged bleeding time may be a result from decreased number of thrombocytes [platelets] or impaired blood vessels

Diseases that cause prolonged bleeding time include

  • von Willebrand disease — a genetic disorder caused by a missing or defective clotting protein
  • thrombocytopenia — a deficiency of blood platelets
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC) — widespread formation of blood clots in the small blood vessels throughout the body
  • Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia — a genetic disorder in which the platelets have a deficient fibrinogen receptor
  • hypofibrinogenemia — a partial deficiency of fibrinogen


Frequently ask question 

What are the 3 stages of blood clotting?

  •  Constriction of the blood vessel
  •  Formation of a temporary “platelet plug.
  •  Activation of the coagulation cascade
  •  Formation of “fibrin plug” or the final clot.

How to stop Bleeding

What is the risk involved during the bleeding time test

There is a very slight risk of infection where the skin is cut.

What are the factors affecting bleeding time?

The bleeding time is affected by the antiplatelet variables of

 all of which interfere with accurate interpretation of the test results.


Most people will never need a bleeding time test. You may need to have a bleeding test if you’ve been experiencing bleeding that won’t stop, especially from small incisions, punctures, or cuts. Your doctor can choose from a number of tests to evaluate your platelet function. A bleeding time test is a common test to screen patients having prolonged bleeding times. Abnormal results from a bleeding time test can be a sign that you need more in-depth testing to find the cause of your prolonged bleeding. It could mean you have an acquired platelet function defect, which is a condition that develops after birth and affects how well your blood platelets work. Your body may produce too many or too few platelets, or your platelets may not work properly.

Hope this was helpful for more information contact us

How to stop Bleeding



Reading Exercise 

rovich medical supplies

Benefit: This exercise helps to release the strain and pressure caused by astigmatism, and must be done 2 to 4 times a day.

The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Pull out a book.
  2. Place an object next to it. After reading a paragraph from the book, focus on the object.
  3. Continue doing this until your eyes start to feel tired.


Exercise along a figure 

Rovich Medical Supplies

Benefit: This work out helps your eyes regain their strength and become more flexible.
The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Look at a distance of 10 feet from your eyes.
  2. Move your eyes along a figure for 2 minutes.
  3. Do the same in reverse for 2 minutes.

Each exercise mentioned above is meant to improve the strain and pressure exerted upon the eye muscles. Performing these exercises daily will reduce the symptoms and eventually treat astigmatism. Make sure you consult your eye doctor to find out if these exercises will work for you.


Eye Massage 

Rovich Medical Supplies


Benefit: This exercise restores the shape of the cornea.
This should be done in the following steps:

  1. Close your eyes and then place two fingers on each of your eyelids.
  2. By applying gentle pressure, slowly move your fingers in a circular motion from top to bottom and from right to left.
  3. Move your fingers clockwise as well as anti-clockwise.
  4. Repeat it for 10–15 times, 2 to 4 times a day.


Vision Breaks Exercise

Rovich Medical supplies

Benefit: This exercise relieves eye pressure and strain.
The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Take a break from writing, reading, or staring at the computer.
  2. Focus on other objects in the distance for at least 20 seconds
  3. Repeat this exercise as many times as possible in a day.



Head Tilting Work Out

Rovich Medical supplies

Benefit: This exercise helps the extraocular muscles to regulate the force they exert on the eyeball.
The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Look in the mirror to find out if you tilt your head to one side.
  2. Spend time every day consciously trying to tilt your head in the opposite direction.




Rectus muscle relaxation


Benefit: This work out relaxes the rectus muscles, which reduces the stress on the cornea and also strengthens the muscles around the eyes. It should be done 2 to 4 times a day.
The work out should be done in the following steps:

  1. Place your thumb over your nose at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Move it clockwise to 12 o’clock position. Keep it there for 2-3 seconds and then bring it back. Make sure your eyes follow your thumb.
  3. Now move the thumb to 1 o’clock position, keep it there for 2-3 seconds and move it back to the original position (90-degree angle).
  4. Repeat this for all clock positions.
  5. Don’t forget to breathe properly during this exercise.


Eye Yoga Work Out


Benefit: This work out strengthens eye muscles, sharpens focus and improves vision.
The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Keep your posture straight. Stand, sit in the chair or on the floor.
  2. Close your eyes, breathe while concentrating on your eyes.
  3. Slowly start moving your eyeballs from side to side.
  4. Do this work out several times a day.


 Blinking Work Out

Benefit: Blinking keeps your eyes moist, hence, allowing you to focus better. It also decreases eye strain keeping them refreshed.
The exercise should be done in the following steps:

  1. Set a 2-minute timer.
  2. Blink every 3-4 seconds.
  3. Do this work out at least 4 times a day.




Federal Hospital

Federal Hospital in Nigeria. Since no one wants to risk his or her life and take a risk in the slightest negligence in treatment, we all have a choice to choose what is best for us to stay alive, but we often forget to asked ourselves if these(snacks, drink, meal, way of life) are healthy for us? This question strikes us to caution our actions for better healthy living as the hospital is no place one could wish to be. An old phrase would say “You never miss your health until you lose it”. health shouldn’t be taken for granted as it is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. I understand for one to have a healthy body you need to have (exercise, good thoughts, eating good food, taking a good sleep)  which tends to be highly repetitive when engaged in it regularly, as it is a major driver of neuroplastic changes in the brain and body system, which is why physical exercise is one of the most important factors in restoring and maintaining mental as well as physical health across the life span, starting from the moment one begins such a program.

Generally, hospitals have evolved since the 1700s when the first U.S. public hospital sheltered and provided medical healthcare to the poor. Until the late 20th century, public hospitals represented the “poor house” that undertook social welfare roles. The “poor house” also provided secondary medical care, specifically during epidemics. Let’s focus on medical centers where treatments of different illnesses can best be handled by experts in the field to restore and maintain good healthcare in Nigeria. There are factors to consider when choosing a hospital for medication. For non-emergency situations – such as childbirth planning or undergoing scheduled or routine medical procedures – patients often have a choice of what type of hospital to go to, either public or private.

Best medical consultation


A hospital is a health care institution providing patients treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff with full medical equipment or facilities. Specialized hospitals can help reduce health care costs compared to general because the specialist practitioner has all the medical facilities to handle any health problems more effectively as it relates to its line of specialization. The hospital which is best known to have an emergency department to treat urgent health problems is the general hospital, caring for problems ranging from fire and accident victims, sudden illness leading to deformation or death of the patient. With so many different types of hospitals and medical facilities, you may wonder what makes one hospital or facility different from another, with a good medical practitioner and facilities a whole lot of difference can be made. Specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children’s hospitals, seniors’ (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric treatment and certain disease categories. Hospitals are classified as general, specialty, or government depending on the sources of income received.

The Federal hospital

Firstly, with the anticipation of free health services, there is a high likelihood of poor quality of services. The sole responsibility of any government is to provide basic amenities for its citizens. One of the key areas governments focus their attention on is public health care which renders public services to every citizen of the state. Federal hospitals do have benefits as they are equipped with the latest technology and healthcare materials, as Most federal hospitals have strict rules and policies when it comes to treating people. Citizens have the benefit of receiving free health care services through a federal health care center.

Federal Hospital

A federal hospital some times refer to as a public hospital is any medical healthcare center owned by the government of the people and is fully funded by the government and operates solely off the money that is collected from taxpayers to fund healthcare initiatives thereby creating employment for doctors and specialist in a different field. In some countries, this type of hospital provides medical care free of charge to patients, covering expenses and wages by government reimbursement. Although the services provided by public and private hospitals have some similarities with a little difference. Since costs tend to be lower in publicly operated hospitals, it is the best option for those who have restrictive insurance or who are not wealthy and able to pay for their healthcare out of pocket.

Medical System


  • Federal or Public hospitals are much larger than private hospitals. It has a different ward for different illnesses such as maternity ward for children, men, pregnant women and people with disabilities, etc.
  • Federal hospitals provide the best and latest technology and healthcare materials needed to treat and diagnose illnesses. 
  • Public hospitals are funded by the government and so are unable to turn away patients with any kind of illness or emergency.
  • The cost of treatment is considerably cheaper than a state hospital and they have a resident doctor in case of an emergency.
  • The federal hospital is owned and controlled by the federal government and is fully funded by the Government which therefore creates more employment for medical practitioners and training of aspiring doctors and nurses.
  • Because they are partly or fully funded by the federal government, federal hospitals accept nearly every type of insurance and are very flexible.
  • They also have a much higher number of beds, so they can accommodate more patients at a time.
  • The federal hospital has a good standard of medical facilities required to handle any emergency.



  • Due to the influx of people which leads to overcrowding, one may have trouble obtaining medical care as it will prolong or delay medical attention.
  • In the federal hospital doctors and nurses are not always available especially if a patient requires immediate treatment or has a suspected serious illness.
  • There is no privacy in the federal hospital which one is prone to contacting another illness from the environment.
  • Cheaper and less effective medication may be given in place of quality and effective drugs. It should not be expected that citizens have the best quality of health services due to the limited budget and expenditure of the ministry. 



With the poor performance of the federal government’s low budget in providing good medical care for citizens in all states, the state government took it upon itself to assist with the best medical facilities needed to treat and handle any medical illnesses. This comes with a higher maintenance cost as most of the state cant afford a well-standard fully equipped hospital for her citizens. You will see that people tend to visit private hospitals more than public hospitals.

A state hospital is any medical healthcare establishment that is licensed by the ministry of health to provide medical attention to citizens under medical need, as it is owned and funded by the state government without the support of federal fund thereof all operational medical activities and payment of staffs are run by the state government, for-profits and non-profits making. State hospitals are commonly part of the health development in any country as they will help to save lives.



  • State hospitals have a short period of waiting time.
  • A state hospital enables the patient to select their preferred surgeon or doctor for treatment.
  • State hospitals offer an excellent doctor-to-patient ratio. In addition, there is usually a larger number of attentive staff (nurses) per patient in state hospitals.



  • State hospitals are not easily affordable as services in these settings tend to be much higher.
  • State hospitals can refuse treatment due to lack of healthcare equipment, as they might refer you to a private or federal hospital.
  • State or local hospitals are not well secured as a result of poor employment of security guards.
  • They are unhygienic as cleaners are not employed as much to keep the environment clean.
  • They do not conduct proper medical checkups and lack drugs in the hospital pharmacy.
  • The doctors are not very well educated to handle surgical analysis as they don’t have a resident doctor.
  • In the state or local hospital there is a lack of proper communication.
  • They have no ambulance for emergencies.

Federal Hospital



 What is the difference between a teaching hospital and a maternity hospital?


A teaching hospital is a healthcare hospital that has an accredited medical residency-training program and usually has an affiliation with a medical school to train students or persons aspiring to be a nurse in the medical practice


Maternity hospital specializes in caring for women during pregnancy and childbirth. It also provides care for newborn infants and may act as a center for clinical training in midwifery and obstetrics. 


Can I treat malaria by taking antibiotics every month?


Firstly, taking drugs without running a medical test and prescription by a doctor or pharmacist is drug abuse. Antibiotics are not healthy when taken often and are not advisable. 


How can we improve a state hospital?


Improving a state hospital requires the state government to

  1. Employ qualify doctors and nurses 
  2. Purchase new technologies for medical treatments of patients
  3. Provide state pharmacists with original drugs
  4. Employ cleaners to keep the environment clean
  5. Provide a complete laboratory and ultra-scan machine for diagnosis of illness.

It is very easy to purchase all kinds of modern medical facilities in Nigeria, at Rovich Diagnostics Services we provide all kinds of technology for the medical sections and all engineering sections. Our services are the best for any changes in your business. 


Choosing the right hospital and physician are important factors to consider that significantly influence a patient’s treatment. The preferred choice for many patients in choosing a hospital is dependent on the location and type of illness. Rovich Diagnostics Services  got you covered in all kinds of physiotherapy, Eye clinical issues and many more.

Even though hospitals are mostly funded by taxpayers, some hospitals, as well as medical research facilities, receive charitable donations. Besides this, there is an increasing trend of privatization of some hospital services if those services go beyond provincial health budgets. All hospital federal and state hospitals should be well taken care of as the health of the citizens is a priority for the government.


rovich diagnostic services

Rovich Diagnostic Services is a top diagnostic centre that provides world class medical investigations.
Our service offerings include:

Medical Laboratory Tests
Eye Care
Pain Management
Ultrasound Scan
CNA Training
Medical Electrostatic Electromedics Therapy
Medical Consultations
Medical Equipment Supplies
Health Tourism To Isreal

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0905 754 1111

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