
Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease


Antibiotics are a simple and reliable treatment option for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), provided that the condition is caught and managed in its early stages. Your primary care physician or a doctor at a sexual health clinic can write you a prescription for one of these. However, if it is not treated, it can result in more serious complications in the long run.

Antibiotics Treatment

Antibiotic treatment needs to be started as soon as possible, before the results of the swabs can be analyzed. Even in cases where chlamydia, gonorrhea, or mycoplasma genitalium is identified, PID is typically caused by a variety of different bacteria. This is the case even in cases where the bacteria are identified.

This indicates that you will be prescribed a combination of antibiotics to treat a wide range of possible infections. not all antibiotics are safe for use during pregnancy, so it is important to discuss this possibility with your healthcare provider before beginning any treatment with antibiotics.

In most cases, you will need to take the antibiotic pills for a full two weeks, although your treatment might start with a single antibiotic injection. Even if you start to feel better, it is essential to finish the full course of antibiotics prescribed to you in order to increase the likelihood that the infection will be successfully treated.

In the event that your PID is particularly severe, you may be required to be admitted to the hospital in order to receive antibiotics through a drip placed in your arm (intravenously). While you are being treated with antibiotics, you may choose to take pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen if you experience discomfort in the region of your pelvis or stomach.

Follow-up Consultation

It is possible that your doctor will urge you to schedule a follow-up consultation three days following the first day of therapy in order to determine whether or not the antibiotics are effective. If the antibiotics appear to be doing their job, your doctor may schedule a follow-up appointment for you at the end of the prescribed dosage to determine whether or not the therapy was effective. In the event that your symptoms have not begun to improve over the span of three days, you may be urged to check into a hospital for more testing and treatment.

If your symptoms haven’t improved within a few days, it’s possible that the infection is being caused by an intrauterine device (IUD), in which case you may be advised to have the IUD removed because it could be the root of the problem.

Respect for one’s sexual partners

  • It is said that even if the specific cause of the infection cannot be determined, it is imperative that any sexual partners you have had in the previous six months prior to the onset of your symptoms be tested and treated in order to prevent the infection from returning or spreading to other people.
  • PID can occur in monogamous relationships that have been going on for a very long time in which neither partner has had sexual relations with anyone else.
  • If neither partner is treated at the same time, the condition has a greater chance of recurring.
  • It is recommended that you refrain from having sexual encounters until both you and your partner have finished the necessary treatment.
  • If you haven’t had a sexual partner in the past six months, the person you had sexual contact with most recently ought to be tested and treated for HIV.
  • Your primary care physician or the staff at a sexual health clinic can assist you in making contact with your previous romantic partners.


We have been able to deduce in this article the various type of hearth condition that needs to be avoided and controlled. So follow the best idea on the Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

If you have any questions or concerns about what is written here please comment in the discussion below or contact us Rovich Diagnostic Services for consultancy.

Hope this was helpful on the topic “Treatment for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease”


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