What does my blood pressure reading mean?

What does my blood pressure reading mean?

Factors to think about

The meaning of my blood pressure reading
120/80 or less is considered normal blood pressure. 
140/90 or more indicates excessive blood pressure. 
Prehypertension may be present if your blood pressure is between 120/80 and 140/90. 
You are now at risk for high blood pressure because of this.
Blood pressure levels may be lower than normal if you have diabetes or kidney illness. 
Goal blood pressure may also be greater if you are over 65. 
What is considered high blood pressure for you should be discussed with your doctor.

Medical language Associated with Blood Pressure

It can be challenging to monitor your blood pressure at home. 
The terms that are important to understand are listed below.
Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls.
Blood pressure that is high.
Low blood pressure, or hypotension.
A blood vessel called the brachialartery runs from your shoulder to the base of your elbow. 
In this artery, you take your blood pressure.
Systolic pressure: When your heart is pumping blood to your body, the pressure in an artery is at its highest.
The lowest pressure in an artery when your heart is at rest is called the diastolic pressure.

How to test blood pressure

 Both the systolic and diastolic values are calculated 
The systolic value is written or displayed first, followed by the diastolic pressure. 
120/80 is good example. 
This blood pressure value is typical.

Your Blood Pressure monitor should be examined by the doctor at least once each year. This guarantees the measurements are precise.

You can only be diagnosed with high blood pressure by a doctor. Keeping a log is crucial since diagnosing a condition involves many readings. Additionally, you want to record when time of day you take your blood pressure. If you get elevated readings for multiple days, speak with your doctor. Bring your blood pressure log with you to the appointment, please.

Blood pressure is low with hypotension. This happens when your systolic pressure drops below 90 regularly, which is 25 points below normal. If your blood pressure is low, call your doctor. Hypotension may be an indication of life-threatening shock. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, call your doctor right away.

Some Possible Question you need to ask in Querying your physician

Why is it important for me to check my blood pressure at home?
How frequently should my blood pressure be checked?
What kind of monitor ought I to employ?
What do the readings on my blood pressure mean?
What does my normal blood pressure look like?
What actions should I take if my readings are unusual?
Can I alter my way of life to better control my blood pressure?
Do I require medication to control my blood pressure?
What more factors might impact a blood pressure reading?


We have been able to see here some vital information on Blood Pressure and ways to help yourself… contact us Rovich Diagnostic Services for consultancy.

Hope this was helpful on the topic “What does my blood pressure reading mean?”

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